The Luckiest Timing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her hands gripped the side of the sink, and she forced herself to keep standing. (F/n) spit out a small amount of bile, but nothing else came out. She caught her breath and was thankful to have the coffee waiting for her. Peering up at herself in the mirror, she noted how worn out she looked. The creature's return had already created a huge impact on her.

Slowly, she raised herself up and brushed back strands of loose hair. She turned on the water and rinsed the sink out. (F/n) heard another knock on the door and Haley's voice. "(F/n), we can always change the day. I can tell that you're not feeling well." Not to worry the younger teen any longer, (f/n) tried to compose herself as much as possible before she went to open the door. Her hand stopped, however, when she noticed a skeletal one on top of hers.

She refused to look to her left or behind her; she knew what, or rather who, she would see there. You should stay here and leave her alone. It was a last warning, and she bit her bottom lip. "(F/n)?" she heard Haley ask as the concern in her voice increased. Her hand tightened around the doorknob before she swiftly unlocked it.

Opening the door just as quickly, she gave the younger teen an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Haley. I just suddenly felt nauseous." She walked around her and towards the table to avoid further questioning on the subject. (F/n) caught sight of the barista and gave a quick confirmation that she was alright.

Taking her seat once more, she forced herself to eat a bite of the cake after a sip of her coffee. Its taste had been lost some, but she suspected that it would come back as she regained her appetite. Haley took her seat across from her and sipped at her coffee a little before she asked, "Are you sure that you're alright? It did sound like you were throwing up. Did you need me to get you anything?"

Shaking her head and keeping her hand hidden, (f/n) gave her a smile. "I'm fine." Again, a doubtful expression fell onto Haley's face. "Really, it was nothing," (f/n) reassured further. She took another bite of the cake to demonstrate that her nausea was gone.

"Okay ... If you say so." She adjusted her neon blue bomber jacket. Haley drank some more of her coffee before she set it on the table and wrapped her hands around it. "So, why did you want to meet today? Is there something wrong?"

Clearly, Haley was referring to the previous incident. (F/n) wanted her to drop it, so she would ignore that part. Besides, there was a multitude of problems, but she couldn't relate most of them to the eighteen-year-old. "Well, you asked if I need anything. I do." Her voice and expression became serious.

Haley tensed. "Is it about ..."

"No, it's not about the funeral. Rather, it would be a way to stop more from happening." Catching on, Haley tightened her hold on the cup. (F/n) lowered her voice. "I told you that I would kill the creature if I got the opportunity. Well, I think that I might have it."

"I thought that you ..."

"You won't be going after or near the creature. I don't even know where he is, but his absence from town might not last forever. I want to gather resources while he's away. That way, I'll be ready when he returns." She made sure to maintain a calm and collected countenance. If her lies were caught, it would cause a sea of chaos.

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