The Handiest Fall

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

 Simply staring, she didn't reach forward and grab it. He could've just as easily handed her the bag with his right hand. The creature was up to something, and she wasn't going to fall for it. She took a step back in the shower and brought her hands up to her chest. (F/n) could feel her heart beating. It didn't help that she was so exposed to his nails. Clothes wouldn't have offered her much more protection, but they were comforting.

"Drop the bag," she ordered, hoping that he would listen.

"I'm not some dog, (f/n). Take it." A giggle escaped him. "You're the one who asked for it."

"Then, switch it to your right hand."

He giggled again before his hand drew back. His right hand came into the shower. Hesitantly, she stepped forward and grabbed it; however, the creature didn't release the bag. Instead, he tugged it back, bringing her along with it. She shouted and slipped on the porcelain base.

Her legs and bottom hitting the surface hard, she groaned in displeasure and mumbled a series of insults. She only experienced more pain due to her left arm being held up uncomfortably. (E/c) eyes hurriedly landed on the shower rod as they saw the curtains being pushed back. (F/n) reached out her right hand to rip them back, but the creature had been expecting that.

Dropping her left hand, he snatched up her right wrist. Her body was forced against the left side of the bath. The curtains were pushed back, and she was face to face with the creature. Heat spread over her cheeks, but he was thankfully sitting on the ground. If she was lucky, he wouldn't be able to see anything private. (F/n)'s attention, though, focused on her hand.

It was close to him, and she didn't know if he was going to bite it again. Her arm tensed, and she tried to bring it back. "You already had dessert. Just let me take my shower."

Meeting her gaze, he smirked. "It doesn't hurt to plan out tomorrow's dessert." His eyes lowered themselves. Instantly, she sank more into the bathtub. "Well, I can't examine you if you're like that." Met with a fierce glare, he giggled. "Suit yourself. I'll just have to choose something that I can see, then." He held up her hand more and brought it to his lips. The creature spotted the fear that sneaked into her eyes.

Shaking his head and giggling, he reassured, "I'm not going to take another bite from here. I'll take it from your other hand." Swiftly, she attempted to free herself. He maintained his grip and grinned. "Or, probably not." She eyed him carefully, and the terror didn't leave her. "Well, I can't keep biting you in obvious places. That would give your parents a good reason to be suspicious. Even this hand wound was a little risky."

The creature took the bag and began to wrap it around her hand, but she didn't lower her guard. "I might finish that blood-ice, or I might take some from a hidden place on you." A sigh left him. "That's why it would be easier if you showed yourself to me. You'd save us both time, and you'd know what to expect for tomorrow."

"I doubt that you would be quick about it even if I displayed myself. And, I'm not going to be some rack of meat for you," she argued, her voice harsh and certain. It didn't match her facial expression, and the creature noted the difference easily.

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