The Fullest Repayment

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her hands clutched the blanket on the bed, and her eyes stared to his nails. Almost, she was tempted to point to the scratches on her back. Droplets of blood already decorated her floor and the blanket. The creature took a step towards her, but her eyes never left his nails. Blood coated the tips of them, and she didn't desire anymore blood to be on them.

Scooting across the bed, she sat on the other side. Her knees were close to her chest, and she was tempted to bolt out her room door, but her parents would spring into action if she did. They were suspicious enough already, though; she did wish to scream at the top of her lungs. She wanted some sort of immediate help, but she couldn't receive any.

Sliding her legs off the edge of the bed, she stood up and backed towards the bathroom. It would probably lead to a situation that was similar to the previous night, but she had nowhere else to go. The bars on her window proved to be more of a con than a pro.

His nails stopped, and he giggled. Steadily, she peered up at him. The sunglasses remained on his face, but she didn't need to view his eyes. All she required was his deathly grin. If they didn't have the deal in place, she most likely would've been dead. He was severely angered even though she knew that he could find out about Haley and her aunt through other means.

The creature's gaze, though, lowered and examined the blanket. A smirk tugged at his lips. "I like it, but I want more." He stared to her again. "Why don't you turn around for me? We can paint it some more." Lifting up his left hand, his nails clicked together. "Besides, those scratches on your back aren't deep enough."

Near to the freezer, she desired to grab something out of it and chuck it at him. Threatening his food supply wouldn't be the best solution, though. That would only provide him more of a reason to attack Haley and her aunt. Do you want a bite too? Her feet froze, but she didn't glance towards the freezer. She forced herself to snap out of it. Dean wasn't in the freezer ... Well, he wasn't alive.

A giggle escaped the creature. "Oh, what is it?" He stepped up onto the bed. Gradually, he walked across it. His increase in height only terrified her more. It reminded her of how easily he could pounce and end her life in a mere second, but she didn't answer him. The creature only grew amused. "Well if you're not going to tell me, let's move onto the next step. Turn around."

Lightly, she shook her head. Standing in the bathroom doorway, she flicked on the light. For a split second, the creature looked away. She used that to shut the door and lock it. Again, she was trapped in an even smaller space. Briefly, the doorknob wriggled. "(F/n), you know that I can unlock the door. Open it. I'll be nicer if you do."

"Since when have you ever been nice?" she questioned, wishing for some way to block the door.

"Well, I'm keeping you alive. You're the first one. That says something." The doorknob shook again. "Now, open up. You have until I reach five. If I have to unlock the door, I'll add a few more cuts to your back." His nails tapped against the door for emphasis.

She was about to say more, but she stopped when she heard him. "One, Two ..." Desperately, she didn't wish to the open the door. "Three ..." If she disobeyed, though, he would administer worse wounds. "Four ..." Hesitantly, she stepped forward. (F/n) took in a deep breath before she exhaled. One way or another, she would have to face him; she only wished that she had stalled him for longer, but she didn't want to meet his threat. "Five."

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