The Tiniest Tunnel

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

With the light gone, the creature lowered his arms from his face. He blinked a few times before he welcomed the darkness again. His eyes were comforted by it. The creature peered down at his hand and noted the teeth marks there. Just barely, she had broken the skin. Only now were there thin drops of blood forming.

That was a first. None of his prey had bit him before. A steady smirk pulled at his lips. She was an interesting one. Maybe, he would save her for last. She had made an offer for him to take a bite before her death. Whether it was intentional or not didn't matter; he would enjoy it.

Licking the wound clean, he exited the room and headed down the hall. He could hear her running steps in the distance, but he didn't chase after her. No, he would go after another. The one who called her here would do nicely, and he wondered if she was still hiding on the main level. His nails scraped across the wall as he walked in the opposite direction of the prey that had just escaped.


She didn't exactly know where she was going. (F/n) was running towards the center, but she couldn't remember the map completely. So, she went on instinct partially and hoped for the best. Her flashlight had been adjusted back to a lower setting to conserve the batteries' life, but she knew what worked against the creature. It only meant that her flashlight's life was all the more important.

Her ears picked up a dreadful sound. Hands came up to her ears, and she nearly dropped her flashlight. It was ear piercing and sent chills up her spine. Was the creature right behind her? Against her better judgment, she glanced over her right shoulder and pointed the flashlight in that direction. To her relief, she saw nothing. Perhaps, he had gone in the opposite direction or decided to take a different route to surprise her again.

Whatever the case, she wasn't going to remain standing in one place. She turned forward again and continued to hope that she would reach the middle. If she were lucky, she might catch up to Nick and Tara. They might've left her to die, but she probably would've done the same had one of them been in that room. Besides, she would rather be with them than be alone, especially since Nick had a map of the place.

Making another turn, she went down another hallway. At the end of it, however, there was only an old wooden door. She used caution and opened the door as though she were handling the most fragile thing in the world. Once fully opened, the flashlight wasn't far behind. It highlighted enough parts of the small room that she could tell that it was a bedroom.

There wasn't much to it, just a rusty metal bed frame, an old mattress and a worn, wooden dresser. She went over to the dresser and checked the drawers. They were mostly empty, except for some raggedy clothing. In fact, it reminded her of the clothing that the creature wore. (F/n) removed an old, long-sleeved and grey shirt. Holding it up, it appeared as though it would fit him. Were these some of his clothes?

Despite some of his characteristics and appetite for humans, he seemed to be more human than they were giving him credit for. Whether that terrified her more or less, she wasn't sure, but it meant that he might have human weaknesses too. If she ran out of light, it would be beneficial to have a few more tricks up her sleeve. She put the shirt back and closed the current drawer.

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