The Sleepiest Passing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


"You could always come over here and warm yourself up." She froze, and her mouth hung open as though she had heard the oddest thing in all of existence. He burst out giggling and covered his mouth with his hands. The creature leaned forward since he was laughing so hard. (F/n) took several steps back and decided to leave.

She walked backwards until she was a good distance away and ran back towards her house. That had completely caught her off guard even though she knew that he hadn't meant it. Or, he did, but he had something entirely else in mind. A shiver ran over her at the thought of cuddling up to him.

The creature watched her run off before he let out another giggle. He had meant it, but there would've been a little blood involved. After all, it was warm and so very delicious. His pale eyes glanced down to the grave below him, and he grinned. Most certainly, he had picked the right helper. She knew how to deal with the dead to some degree. If it weren't for her hallucinations, she would be perfect, but they did make things entertaining. It was a pity that he couldn't see them since they would provide an even better show.

His feet kicked at the snow before he hopped off of the root. He knelt down and reached his hand in. The creature pulled out the flower before he smoothed out the snow again. "Such a pretty little thing," he muttered to himself. Never had he received a flower, but he supposed that was because he wasn't dead. It didn't make much sense to him.

He knew that it was out of respect, love and a few other things for the deceased, but he still didn't see the point. Why waste the flower on them? It could serve a much better purpose. Perhaps, it was because he valued human lives much differently. They were food, who happened to bring entertainment from time to time. Then again, (f/n) had a slightly higher worth. She was company, amusement and dessert.

Plucking a petal off, he rubbed it between his right index finger and thumb. Its smooth texture reminded him of his helper. Perhaps, he should use her as a pillow sometime. He might accidentally bite her in his sleep, but that was her problem. As long as he didn't kill her, it would be fine. The creature placed the petal on his tongue and swallowed before he headed off after her.

Once she was back in her home, she locked the door, removed her flashlight and turned on the alarm. The creature would have to find another way in. If the window bars were up, she could watch him try to get in and fail unless he could rip the bars off. Then, there would be some serious issues. She walked up the stairs and entered her room. Almost, she fell backwards. On her bed, the creature was sitting. His speed had always been unnerving.

Grinning up at her, he giggled. She took a few steps back. What was he planning? Her heart started to beat a little faster. He stood up and closed the distance between them. His left hand reached around her and closed her room door. "What?" she asked after a large gulp.

"It would've been nice for you to wait by the door. I guess that manners aren't part of your routine."

Her lips pursed as she thought of a retort. He giggled at her expression before his right hand left his pocket. She looked down at the carnation surprised. Had he taken another one from her home, or was that from her classmate's grave? Judging by the petals condition, she guessed the second, and a chill sank into her veins. Before she could say anything, he placed it behind her left ear. The creature took a step back. "It does suit you more."

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