The Past✔

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This entire chapter is in flashback so every time the POV changes, it is still in a flashback. Also, because it is a flashback, it is in past tense instead of present.🙃

Yoongi's POV

I was casually sitting on the couch, waiting for Junie. I told her I would wait for her before eating dinner.

Suddenly, I heard the door open, and I looked up. I automatically dropped my phone and got up.

Her eyes were red and puffy.

She had been crying.

"What the heck happened?!" I said as I ran to her.

She ran into my arms, and I felt my shirt getting wet.

She was crying again.

I walked her back to the couch and waited for her to stop crying.

Once she finally calmed herself down, she started to explain.

Flashback inside of a flashback in Junie's POV

I happily walked to the park, where Brandon told me to meet him. As I got there, my jaw dropped, and my heart shattered as I saw something I could never get out of my head...

Brandon was kissing Areum on the bench I was supposed to meet him at.

"And to think I loved you," I said, tears threatening to fall down on my cheeks.

They both turned to me, wide-eyed.

"Oh, and to think I trusted you too." I looked at my now ex-best friend.

That's when the tears did fall.

I ran away without looking back, tears still flowing like a river down my face.

I wiped my tears away before walking into my house. I knew Yoongi would be worried if I was crying as I walked in.

And when I did walk in, he looked up and dropped his phone as he ran up to me.

"What the heck happened?!" He asked, concern all over his face.

I couldn't do it anymore.

I ran into his arms, knowing he's the only one I can trust.

Not my best friend, not my boyfriend...

Min Yoongi: my brother.

He walked me to the couch, and once I calmed down, I explained.

Anger filled his face.

This is not good.

I don't think I should have told him.

Yoongi's POV

As she told me what had just happened, I felt my blood boil.

I'm going to kill him.

I couldn't control myself. I got up and ran out the door.

"Yoongi, sto-"

That's all I heard before I slammed the door and sprinted to the park she told me he was at.

I reached my destination and saw Brandon sitting on a bench alone, with his head down.

I went up and pulled him to the ground and started to punch him.

I don't care what happens to me, as long as my baby sister is okay.

I don't know how long I was punching him, but I suddenly stopped as I heard Junie's voice.

I came back to my senses and looked at the situation I just put myself in.

The boy I was just beating had his eyes squeezed shut, and blood covered his once-white shirt. My hands were also stained with blood.

What have I done

I looked up at my wide-eyed sister. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me home.

Luckily, our parents were out of town at the moment, or I would be dead meat.

Junie cleaned my clothes as I went and took a shower.

Then we simply went to sleep and tried to forget the scene we had just witnessed.

~~~The next week~~~

I got dressed in a suit and got to the car to head to court.

Yep, I was sued...

Luckily, my lawyer is good friends with the Judge, so I almost have a guaranteed win against the jerk who hurt my sister.


"This boy had the intent to kill my client, do you really think he should be free?!" Brandon's lawyer yelled.

"Please, there was no intent to actually kill that boy, right Yoongi?"

"Correct," I replied, head low.

"See? He should not be arrested. It's that simple."

"I don-"

"RECESS!" the Judge yelled, giving a wink to my lawyer.

About a half-hour later, the Judge called us back in and claimed that I was not guilty. That's a relief.

A/N: Mr. C would not be proud of me. 😂

Soon enough, we got home, and as I went to go upstairs to my room, my wrist was grabbed, and I was dragged to the living room by my father.


A/N: hello. Sorry for not updating for a while. For this story, I have so much written down, I just have to type it and then publish so yee. For my other stories, I have to write them completely. This should be interesting. Okie dokie guys, bye!!!

My Hero, Kim Taehyung ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora