The Past Pt. 2✔

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Junie's POV

A/N: when I tried typing Junie's, it auto corrected to Toronto's what even.....

Once we had gotten home, I started to go up to my room and then heard a crash.

I quickly got back down the stairs to see what was happening when I heard my dad yelling.

"What was that!? Why did you beat up that kid in the first place!?"

" Honey, calm down. He wouldn't have done it without reason " I heard my mom trying to calm him down.I

"Okay! Then what was your reason!?" My dad is furious.

I peeked my head through the crack of the living room door to see Yoongi, with his head down.

He won't tell.

"There is no reason..." Yoongi said, in a low voice. So much so, I had trouble hearing him.

I then looked away when I saw my dad bring up a glass bottle.

Tears started falling down my cheeks as I heard the glass breaking, and Yoongi groaning in pain, and my mom make a little squeal.

"I don't care if you are my son! You are not staying under this roof that I am providing for you just to have you run off and beat up a kid with no reasoning!"


He can't leave me.

Tears started falling down faster, and I ran upstairs to my room and cried myself to sleep.

~The next day~

"Yoongi! Junyoung! Come down here, please!" My mom called.

"Yes, mom?" I asked as we arrived in the kitchen where our mother was sitting down.

"Why did you really beat up that kid?" She asked suddenly.

Yoongi turned to me, asking for permission.

"He was my ex-boyfriend. I caught him cheating on me..." I said sadly.

"Oh my gosh! You had a boyfriend!?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes... But not anymore." I said, head down.

"That's great! I mean, the fact you had a boyfriend not that he cheated on you..."

"Wait..... You're okay with that?" I asked, surprised. Yoongi was surprised too.

"Yes, of course. Your father is the only one not okay with it."

"Is that all you were going to say?" Yoongi asked, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"No, actually..." She says, tearing up.

"What's wrong, mom?" I ask, worried.

"Yoongi... you have to move to Seoul."

"WHAT!?" Me and Yoongi both scream.

"If not, your father will be even worse... He doesn't want you staying in our house anymore." She said, a tear falling.

"He can't leave! Why can't we just go with him and leave dad!?" I yell in panic.

"Junie..." Yoongi sighs as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"NO! You can't leave me!" I sob, clinging onto him tighter than I ever have.

"Yes, Junie. You can go with him. If you stay here, who knows what your father could do to you..." Mom said.

"But if I leave you here, dad could do something to you." Yoongi points out.

"I will be fine. You need to leave. Your father is dangerous. Tomorrow, while he's at work, you will be leaving. Your aunt Suni will buy you a small house. She will check up on you a few times a month. Just... Just stay safe for me." Her voice broke as tears fell down her face. Yoongi and I both pull her into a hug.

"Thank you, mom," Yoongi said.

"You're welcome. Now go pack your stuff, you are leaving tomorrow at 2:00 o'clock." She said as she wiped her eyes.

And that's when we moved to Seoul...

A/N: Okay, I finally updated guys. After a bunch of testing and stuff going on, I'm back! I will actually try to update a few chapters today for this story and my other stories, so be on the lookout for those! Bye guys!

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