Chapter Twenty Four

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Third Person POV

The boy then sprints down the stairs, stumbling on a few to get to the girl.

As he runs, he shocks his hyung.

"Tae, where are you going?" His hyung asks, concerned with the shocked look in his dongsaeng's face.

Even though his hyung asked him a question, the boy kept running.

He ran until he reached the girl that was laying on the road.

He picked the girl up and saw a single drop of what seemed to be water fall onto her cheeks.

That was when he realized...

He was crying.

"Please... Please stay with me. Don't close your eyes." He desperately says.

Her eyes then start to get droopy and it seemed there was no hope of keeping her eyes opened.

"Didn't I tell you I can't be your knight in shining armor anymore?" His breath hitched.

Her eyes finally closed and his tears came down like a river.

He shook her limp body as he started to become hopeless.

"No! Please, Junie! Please don't do this!"

As the boy was crying and stuck to the girls cold and pale body like a piece of Velcro, his hyung decided to check and see what his dongsaeng was running outside for.

He gets out of his sitting position to walk over to the front door that his dongsaeng had ran out of.

He then reaches the door and opens it slowly.

As soon as he does, his eyes became about the size of basketballs and he immediately pats on his pants to look for his phone which unfortunately was not in his pockets.

"Namjoon! Quick! Call the police!" He yells.

"Jin? What happened!? What's wrong!?"

"Just call the police! Ask for an ambulance!"

The man then runs out the door he had been standing in to meet the weak girl and the crying boy.

"Tae! What happened!?" He tries to ask just to be ignored by the boy as he desperately hugs onto the girl's body.

Back inside the house, the boy who had been ordered to call the police grabbed his phone to quickly dial three numbers into the device.

As the ringer makes the annoying noise that the man always hated, he runs down the stairs to look out the window.

He was taken aback so much he hadn't realized the ringer had stopped and the woman on the line had began speaking.

"911, what is your emergency?"


"Hello, we need an ambulance at XXXX, XXXX street. Please!" He desperately says as he sees his friend's pale body.

"Okay, I have informed the paramedics. They are on their way. What exactly happened, sir?"

"Well, it seems that my friend was hit by a car. There's a lot of blood. Please, we need the ambulance quickly." He says, his eyes tearing up a little.

"Okay, they are going as fast as they can. Please, sir, calm down."

"You expect me to calm down when my friend could die!?" He yells.

"Sir, I understand this is hard to take in right now but you really do need to calm down."

"Okay." He says as he starts to take deeper breathes.

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