Chapter two

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When the door opened I never would have thought he would have walked in.
"Get off of her now." He yelled at my boss with the husky voice I used to love.
As soon as my boss got off of me and away I ran out the glass doors. I pushed open the heavy bathroom door the went to a stall.
A couple minutes later there was a loud knock. When I didn't answer they pounded. I still sat against the cold wall.
The bathroom door opened. Oh god I forgot to lock it.
There was a ponding in my head when a knock hit the stall.
"Are you Okay?" The deep husky voice asked on the the other side of the stall.
"F-fine." I whispered. Tears were pouring down my cheeks as new ones built up in them.
"Come out."
I stood up and brushed off my dress.
I opened the stall pulling my dark hair in front of my face.
He stepped to the side as I walked to the sink. I splashed water on my face then ran out the door.
I got down to the sidewalk and ran to the daycare. I sat there talking to Jayden.
"Hey I'll get Chloe and come over later."
"Okay." I told him slightly smiling.
I got my two daughters and we walked home.
We lived in a sketchy neighborhood but my neighbors loved the girls. When we got home I put my two sleeping beauty's to bed.
It hadn't been that long that I would have forgotten her face. The one I accused. An accusation that was wrong. The love of my life left that day and I was wrong.
I needed her address. I went to the front of the office building. The secretary sat there on her phone.
"Hi, I'm Jared Stone I need an address."
"Who?"she asked annoyed.
"Emory Taylor."
"Oh, her?" She rolled her dark brown eyes not even looking at me.
She gave me her address. I was sure there was a thing about confidentiality.
I walked down to my driver.
"Hey, Mark."
"Hey,Boss where to?" Mark asked.
"This address." I handed him the bright post-it note.
As we started the drive I started thinking about the dark haired girl with green eyes. Emory my Emory.
I felt like crying. I lost her because of a picture. I never listened to her.
As we got to the bad side of the neighborhood I started to question if this was where she was living.
As we got to the apartment complex I stepped out. I walked up to the dark red door and knocked.


Jayden and Chloe got here an hour ago.  The girls woke up and came out to play with my best friends. The girls had their wooden blocks out to play with.
There was a knock on the door so I went to get it.
As so as  opened the door I tried shutting it.
There stood my ex-husband.
"Can we please talk?"
"Why to say more lies. If so then leave."
"No I just." Jarred was cut off by one of my babies cry.
I rushed to the living room with Jared behind me. Caitlyn had thrown a block at Callie's head.
I picked up my one baby taking her to the kitchen, while Chloe took Caitlyn to her room.
As I came back with Callie I noticed Jayden left so did Chloe. The only reason I could tell was because Caitlyn was screaming.
I put Callie back down on the hard wood floor then sat next to Jared.
He look like he saw a ghost.
"Jared I need to tell you something."

Word count: 620
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