Chapter Eighteen

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I knew my son would go back to that bitch. The truth was I set her up in hope that he would never want to see her again. I got the photo and had one of my friends send it to him. The plan worked for a year. I texted Erika and Jacob. They both agreed to meet me in half an hour.


I sat on the couch with Jared yesterday he did the DNA test just to prove to his parents that the girls were his.
We had to wait a week for the results.
"I love you." Jared whispered into my hair as he kissed my head. I smiled to myself.
I wasn't so scared as I once was about allowing him back into my life, but now I wanted him, no I needed him. "I love you too." I whispered.
"What?" Jared asked puzzled.
"I said I love you you big dope." I smiled at him.
"Say it again." Jared asked.
"I love you Jared Stone." I said kissing him.
"I love you so fucking much Emory." Jared said laying me down on the couch. He had either hand on the sides of my head. He was holding himself up so he wouldn't crush me. He kissed me as he laid down next to me. We both fell asleep in each other's arms.
Jared smiled at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing you're just beautiful." He said kissing the tip of my nose.
"I love you Jared."
"I love you too Emory."

"Jared, Jared." Erika said walking towards us. She stood in between his legs and kissed him.

"Emory, Emory." Jared said shaking me awake.
"You had a nightmare."
"No, just a really, really bad dream." I said cuddling into his side.
"Are we going to start moving my things in today?" Jared asked.
"Yeah." I smiled up at him.
He leaned down and captured my lips. The girls screamed and we both got up. When the girls went back to sleep we went to our room the moment totally ruined. We just laid in each other's arms.
"Jared can we go on a triple date with Jayden and Chloe they both have new boyfriends." I asked as we were just laying there doing nothing.
"Yeah, how about tomorrow?"
"Sounds absolutely perfect." I kissed him and the mood was back. We were at it like bunnies.
The next day we played with the girls at the park then took them to my parents. They were glad to see Jared.
When we left we went home and changed. I changed into my blue dress with a sweetheart neckline. I put on my gold accessories.
"I can't let you go out in that." Jaded said as I stepped out of the bathroom."
"Why?" I asked hurt. Did he think I looked ugly or something worse.
"Okay don't think so much into it. You look gorgeous and I don't want other men undressing my girl with their eyes." Jared sighed.
"Yeah, but all the women are eye raping you."
"Please, change or I'll fuck you right here and we won't go to meet up with your friends."
I could clearly see his tent in his pants. I quickly went and changed into my red dress with long lace sleeves.
I put on my bright red lipstick.
"Is this better!" I asked waking out again.
"Yes, you look gorgeous." Jared replied.
"Thanks. You look quite handsome yourself." I smiled at him.
We got into his car and drove to the restaurant that we were meeting at.
We saw them in a booth with two guys. They both stood up and hugged me.
"Hi guys I'm Emory and this is my Boyfriend Jared." I said extending my hand to the two guys siting in the booth.
"I'm Lee." The guy Chloe was sitting next to said.
"I'm Chad." Jayden's boyfriend said.
We all sat down and had a nice dinner. When dessert came the waitress put three bowls of hot fudge sundaes in front of each couple. I put my finger in the chocolate intending to lick it off my finger, but Jared grabbed my hand and put my finger in his mouth. He kept it there even after we knew the chocolate was off. We all fed our dates and laughed until the night was coming to an end. We went home and kissed. The girls were staying the night at my parents. We had the apartment to ourselves.
We made love multiple times that night before going to sleep.
"I love you Jared." I whispered before going to sleep.

Word count:807

Okay so when this story is over do you guys want a sequel. If you do write what you want me to call it.😁 Also I need an editor,please?
New stories please read.

😁 Also I need an editor,please?New stories please read

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