Chapter fifteen

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It had been a week since I've talked to Jared. It's been hell. I found a job as a waitress at the local cafe.
It was a Tuesday night and the girls were in bed. There was a loud knock on the door. I answered shocked to see Jared.
"Hi." I whispered.
"Hi, Em. Can I come in?"
"Yeah." I answered moving a little so he could come in.
Jared stepped in and we sat down.
"I'm letting you know now that I'll never stop fighting or loving you and our daughter."
"Jared what was the real reason why you never told me?"
"Because I didn't love her and I loved you so much that it didn't matter. Nothing mattered when I was with you."
"You did realize your parents hated me right?"
"I'm well aware of that, but I don't care."
"Do you really love us?" I asked him skeptically.
"Oh my god woman yes." Jared said smiling at me his eyes sparkling.
"I'm glad." I smiled up at him.
"I'll be right back I need to go to my car real quick."

I stepped out of Emory's apartment. I was walking down the stairs and saw the two people I didn't want to ever see. My parents.
They stood there not smiling but glaring at me.
"Why the hell did you break up with Erica?" My mother yelled.
"I didn't love her mom."
"Why, why wasn't she enough? That little whore cheated on you." His mother yelled again.
"No she did not."
"How do you know?"
"Because I believe her and because she had my daughters." I yelled loudly.
"What? Wait daughters?"
"I want to see them, NOW."
My mother walked up the stairs as I followed. She knocked on Emory's door. The door swung open to reveal Emory with an open baby bottle.
"Emory, lovely to see you dear." My mother said giving Emory a fake smile.
"You too Mrs. Stone." Emory gave me the help me look.
'Sorry.' I mouthed.
The sound a baby cry broke the uncomfortable silence that had settled between the four of us. Even though my father never said anything his looks said it all. He didn't like Emory. My mother hadn't liked Emory since I brought her home the first time. After we had dinner with my parents I had taken her home. When I got back my mother gave me a long speech, of why she was wrong for me. My father thought she was just using me for my money. That was not true. Emory was one hundred percent sweet and loving.
To be honest I've never really had the best relationship with my parents.
At our wedding I almost kicked them out. My parents didn't like the idea of me marrying her, but they arranged a marriage for me. How is that right.
I know Erica still likes me but I've moved on.
I took Emory's hand and we walked up the stairs. I pulled he into the babies room. I held Caitlyn and Emory cuddled Callie into her.
"Jared I don't want them to meet your parents. I'm sorry." Emory looked down like she did something wrong.
"I don't either, but do we really have a choice?"
"Yes, but it won't work."
I smiled at the girl that has stole my heart.
We walked down the stair with the girls.
My parents were talking on the couch. When we entered they looked up.
"What are their names?" My mother asked.
"Callie and Caitlyn." I answered.
"Are you sure they're yours?" She asked angering me more.
I had Emory cover Callie's ears as I covered Caitlyn's "Are you fucking kidding me." I yelled.
"Well are you? She probably been with hundreds of men." She said again.
"You know what they are your sons. I didn't fucking chest on him I haven't been out with anyone since the divorce, so would you kindly shut the fuck up or get the hell out." Emory said to my mother.
"Gladly." Both my parents walked out of the door.
I looked at Emory and handed her Caitlyn before running after my parents.
"Are you kidding me mom? You had no right you still don't have the right to treat Emory like that."
"I'm not going to apologize." My mother said glaring daggers at me.
"Are they really your children, son?" My father asked actually speaking.
"Are you kidding me yes they are mine. I love Emory. I never stopped."
"I don't think they are." My mother piped up again.
"Well guess what I don't give a fucking damn. You saw your grandchildren, so you can leave now. Don't bother taking to me or Emory ever again." I said going back to Emory's apartment.
Emory had tears in her eyes.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked rubbing her back.
"Why do they hate me so much?"
"I don't know."
"Thank you Jared."
"For what?" I asked her.
"For being here for me."
"Always. I'll always be here for all three of my girls. I love you."
"I like the sound of that." Emory laid her head on my shoulder and we just sat like that for a while.

Word count:900

I want to thank all the people who have read this book I especially want to thank toshirolover for helping me with this chapter thank you I really appreciate it.

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