Chapter Four

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I decided against my better judgement and texted him.

E: Hey, it's Emory I don't know what made me do this but I decided to let you get to know your daughters. If you would tell me where to meet that would be great.

After I sent that text it felt like a brick wall was lifted off my chest. I heaved a sigh then went to go make the girls their bottles. After the girls were fed we were going to the park. As we started our walk A car pulled up beside us.

The dark car door opened and out stepped Jared Stone. How did he know we were here. He had probaly went to the apartment.

"Hey, Em."


"Where are you lovely ladies going?"

"To the park. Care to join us?"


He turned around to the car and the passenger window opened. I could see the driver and waved. He waved back.

"I'm going to go to the park but I'll be back later."  Then he turned back to us and the car drove off down the old road.

"So," I started as he looked at me. "are you still friends with Jacob Winston?"

"No," He looked like he wanted to say something else and then he did. "You know the pictures I was telling you about it was you with him."

"Seriously." I looked at him. "You had to of know I never even liked him, but he was your best friend. He was always making moves towards me but I always walked away."

"That bastard." Jared whispered in my ear so the girls didn't hear him.

"I know right." At that he chuckled.
I looked at the man that still holds most of my heart and then sigh.
"What's wrong Em?"
"Nothing." I lied I looked down at the cracked sidewalk as he started talking again.
"I remember how you lie, so why try?"
I looked up at his beautiful brown eyes as he smirked down at me.
"Yeah it's nothing though."
"No it is something or you wouldn't have lied."
"Fine but I don't want to tell you of all people."
"It's okay I get it." Jared said putting his arm around my shoulder.
I felt the comfort in his touch that used to sooth me so much and it was still there. His touch brought back the spark. I wounded if he felt it too.

As I put my arm around her as quickly as I put it there did I want to pull it back. The intense spark of love was still there. I wonder if she felt it. If she did wouldn't she have pulled away?
Well not if she still loved me, but that's not likely.
As we got to the park each of us took one of the girls and put them in a swing.
They would giggle and laugh every time they would go up then come back to us.
Emory took Callie up to the top of the slide then came sliding down.
Then I went up with Caitlyn then we did the same they laughed every time they went down.
As it got towards lunch time we went to a cafe just a block away.
As we walked in all the people were staring at us. We both held one of our daughters as we got a table.
Callie and Caitlyn sat in their high chairs as we sat in a bench.
I ordered an omelette and Emory ordered a breakfast burrito.
We sat there eating and talking. This was something I never thought I would get back.
I've missed all of this.
When we got ready to leave she got out her wallet.
"What are you doing?" I asked my Ex-wife.
"Paying." She said with a duh tone.
"No you're not."
"Why is that Jared?" She said glaring angrily at me.
"Because you're my."
"Your what I'm not your wife,or girlfriend, I'm the mother of your daughters and that's it. You can pay because I'm leaving." Emory whispered yelled at me then got out of her chair and put He girls in their stroller then left. As I watched the whole thing go down my heart broke. Things weren't going to get any better. The waitress came over to collet get the bill so I put my card in their and waited.
When she came back she handed my my card and a small pink paper.
I walked out he door and started walking in the direction of Emory's about apartment. I looked down at the paper. I was the waitresses number and a heart next to her name.
I threw it away in the nearest trash can. I would not go out with anyone I'm trying to win back my Ex-wife.

Word count:802
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Kisses, R

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