Chapter twelve

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Flashback outfit

Thank you all so much for the 6K I really appreciate it. Sorry this update is late I've been busy with school and stuff. Please forgive any spelling errors.

A couple days later I was discharged. Jayden and Chloe came to get me. My apartment was decorated and my parents sat on the couch.
I didn't see Jared. In fact I haven't seen him since the day at the hospital. We had the food my mom made. I went up to my room to change. I was at the hospital and I needed new clothes on.

 I was at the hospital and I needed new clothes on

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"Hey, um I'm just going to run to the store." I said to everyone in the room.
"Okay, hurry." Chloe said.
I took the girls and got in the car. I wasn't actually going to the store, but I needed to get away.
I buckled the girls in then turned on my music. Young by the Chainsmokers came through Bluetooth. I started to sing along.

Young,we were so young when we thought that we knew how to love.

Fought about anything, everything led to disfunction. But we gotta own our own shit. Don't let it go like this. Maybe we can go from this Yeah.
We both know I go too far like when I wrecked you car. And almost fought your father when he pushed me in the yard. And all those nights we snuck out, like to meet up at the bar. Don't worry my love, we're learning to love. But it's hard when you're young.
Yeah it's hard when you're young.

I stopped singing to look at my baby girls. They were both asleep and softly snoring.
We got to the house and we got out. The house was the same I smiled at the memory.

"Emory, um I know this isn't your thing, but would you mind coming home with me?"
"You mean to meet your family?"
"Yeah. My parents s want to meet you." Jared said sheepishly.
"You do know if I go you have to meet my parents too." I said a smirk on my face.
"I'm well aware of that. But my parents actually want to meet you. Your parents don't want to meet me." Jared said.
"That's not true." he looked at me. "Okay maybe a little. Fine I'll go." I gave in. Not because of his big puppy dog eyes, but because I loved him.
Days later:
We stood in front of his parents front door.
"Do I look alright?" I asked Jared for the billionth time. My dress was red it had sleeves and a little belt, and heart stockings,and black blazer. I had on my black high tops. I curled my hair and put on my bright red lipstick.
"You look amazing." Jared said leaning down and kissing me.
"Thank you." I said kissing him back.
Jared knocked and the big door swung open. We were greeted by both of his parents.
End of Flashback

I took the stroller out of the trunk and started my long walk to the front door. I knocked on the door and Jared opened it up. I looked up at him. I smiled at him and he let us in.

"How are our girls doing?" Jared asked looking at our baby girls.

"They're amazing." He smiled at me then at the girls.

He went and picked Caitlyn up. He sat on the couch. Callie woke up and I went to make her a bottle. I walked back I gave Callie her bottle then sat down.

"Look." Jared and I said in union.

"You can go first."

"I'm so sorry about what I said in the hospital." I said finally looking up into his beautiful mesmorizing eyes.

"It's fine. I know I hurt you and it will take awhile to forgive me, but please?" Jared said his eyes glazing over in tears. He continued. "I love you. I never stopped."

"Jared." I said my voice sounding small.

"I know Em, I'll give you some time."

"Jared, go out with me?" I said. To say he was surprised was an understatment. I was surprised too.

"I would love to go out with such an amazing, smart, and beautiful woman."

"Was that a yes?" I asked.

"Yes, woman yes." Jared said.

I smiled up and him. One of the girls screams broke up our stare off I totally would have won. But then again I get to go out with this handsome man, and father of my daughters. I smiled to myself. I don't know why I asked him out, but he said yes.

Word count:784

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