Chapter 2 : Captured

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Five hundred and sixty-two

That is how many days since they captured me.

I never made it to the border. I had become too exhausted from overexertion and passed out. When I had finally woken up I was here. Here, being the holding cells that I recognized as my packs. Everywhere there were little clues that I have studied much too closely. A claw mark from a rouge we had captured a few years back, the stray pine needles that had snuck their way into the cellar, and a rusted key, with my packs symbol of a paw print on it, that lay discarded on the stone floor outside of my cell. So many small reminders of my packs death. Reminders of the helpless children, the dedicated warriors, hopeful teenagers and weak elders that gave up their life.

For the first couple of weeks, I was here they came down and fed me table scraps while I had been chained to the cold stone wall. Silver chains cut sores into my wrists and made it painful to even move my arms. My body had slowly gained back some of its strength and I was left alone to wonder why I was still alive. No rouge talked to me. They never answered my pleas. I just sat in the silence and was forced to relive that night over and over. I was as if a movie was playing in my head. The colors and sounds were just as real as they had been then. I replayed Evie's death over and over again. I wondered what I could have done differently. I cursed myself for my mistakes. I cried silent tears as I blamed myself for her death. I started to blame myself for everything and no one could stop me. For that first couple of weeks, I fell so deep into a pool of self-hatred that I almost drowned.

I wanted to die. I wanted to join Evie and Mom and Dad. I had nothing left to live for. My wolf had shut me out. My pack was dead. I was weak from not eating even the scraps they brought me. I refused to live. So when the alpha of the rouges finally found time to pay my despicable self a visit I was ready to welcome death with open arms. I had no fight left.

Alpha Ren, as he called himself, was a stout man with dark brown hair that was buzzed close to his scalp. A permanent frown has etched onto his hard face. His eyes were pits of never-ending darkness. His entire appearance made what he had done very believable. I marked his face in my mind. I told myself to pay attention, I was looking at a mass murderer. I was looking at my enemy.

I remember clearly the moment he first spoke to me as I sat huddled in the corner of my freezing cell. I remember how he cut his silver knives into my flesh and carved me like a slab of bloodied meat right after. He had stood right behind the bars that held me inside. He had looked at me and smiled. Yes, he had the nerve to smile at me. His grimy teeth looked yellow in the dim light of the cellar hall. He stood and looked at me assessing my features as he continued to smile.

"W-What do you want?"I said in a scratchy voice. I had barely talked after I realized that the guards here never spoke. It was pointless to waste that energy when I seemed to never have any these days.

The man chuckled and bellowed a repulsive laugh as he slapped his knee in genuine humor. After pulling himself together he cocked his head as he looked at me seriously again.

"My, my. Looks like you still have some life left in you, my dear. Don't worry it won't last long. You will not be killed yet but by the end, you will be begging on your knees for death." He said cruelly and he smirked at me. Anger had stirred inside my empty gut and I glared at him.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I would gladly skip to death. It's a win-win. You don't have to waste your time on me and I get to join my sister who, by the way, you killed. You killed her!" I spat out and my body started to shake in pure and utter rage.

His face grew red at my outburst and he clenched the bars of my cell in his two meaty hands. A growl ripped through his throat.

"You will address me as Alpha or Alpha Ren you piece of shit mutt."He yelled at me," And if you ever disrespect me again I'll chain your feet up too."

I could physically feel the waves of anger that he emitted.

Suddenly he turned and shouted down the hall," Bring me the cart."

I was bewildered. Cart what cart. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as a young male wolf around my age walked down the hall pushing a metal cart with his head down. I craned my head as I tried to catch a glimpse of what was on it. As soon as I did I paled. A whimper escaped my mouth as I took in the dreadful sight before me. Small surgical knives ranging from the size of my pinky to the size of my foot. Each blade was razor-sharp and shinny. A few vials of liquids were also there and I had no doubt that at least one was the deadly wolfsbane. To finish off the assembly was a whip that looked menacing. I started to shake and Alpha Ren looked over and gave me a wide smile. I shrank back at the cold venom that his one look contained.

"Don't worry my sweet girl. I won't kill you yet."He said as the boy who had brought the cart quickly walked away. I think I might have caught a small look of regret on his face but no one would have known. No one would stop this psychotic monster.

Alpha Ren then took out a key from his worn jean pocket and unlocked my rusty cell door. I tried to become one with the cold stone wall behind me but it was no use as he stalked into my cell and slammed the door shut which resulted in a loud bang that echoed all around me. Ren went to work stationing the cart against the wall and assessing the tools before him. He started to sort through them as if he were shopping for clothes at a mall until he found the one he wanted. It was a small silver knife that was just bigger than my pinky.

"Perfect one to start with don't you think." He started to walk towards me until suddenly he froze. "Oh my excuse my poor manners. What is your name mutt?"

I look at him angrily. My heartbeat loudly in my chest as my eyes flitted between the knife and his face. Both made me want to throw up. Then I realized something. Oh, goddess, I was brilliant. I had no clue when or if I would make it out of here alive but as I looked at him at that moment I knew one thing for sure. Alpha Ren would get what he deserved even if I had to drag him to hell myself. For once I had something to live for in the many months I had been contained here. I would not let him put out my fire. I would not break my promise to my family.

I looked at Ren with all the hate I could muster and snarled one word. One name.


Early update, I know! Don't get too excited! Well anyway, I'm so overjoyed with how well everyone seems to enjoy my story I know that 50 reads isn't a lot but it means more than the world to me. This is my first story on Wattpad and I never expected it to go this well so far. So please vote, comment, and add this book!

-Thanks again lovely readers and have a great Monday!

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