Chapter 27 : We Meet Again

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Rhys Point of View:

Red. Red. Red.

Sweat. Sweat. Sweat.

Bodies. Bodies. Bodies.


A word that has brought thrill and adrenaline to me in the past but now only leaves me hollow inside.

Empty eyes stare out into the dark sky. Their souls have abandoned them leaving only a broken shell for a body. Finger tips smeared with warm blood, hearts dying out, lips whispering silently fears to the moon goddess. Pleading for another chance, pleading for mercy for their actions. But the moon goddess doesn't distribute retribution, only the death they deserve can be given. I am happy to carry out her bidding but now that I look upon the lost life.....:

All I can seem to see is the pale, blank face of that boy who was forced into danger only to prove himself. All I can see is the fear. All I can see is the hopelessness. All I can see is his empty body laying on the blood soaked grass, arms twisted at odd angles at his side.

I caused it all. I destroyed them. I hurt them to protect what is mine.

But at what cost......

The cost of lives and dreams that were always so easy for me to throw out the window but now....... I found myself pondering the facts that I usually ignore.

I am a monster.

I can envision Ali's face if she ever saw this. The horror that would make her eyes scrunch and her face become a whitewash. The tremors that would ricochet through her body. Her eyes becoming razor sharp and darkening. My little mate becoming someone who despises me.

My wolf growls inside of me at the prospect that we could chase away our mate just by trying to protect her. Normally, the female species loved to have a hero, fight their battles, keep them safe, hold them close, but when had Onalee ever been "one of those females". Ali was a completely different creature that had morals and feelings that I had only touched the surface in understanding. She was like no other wolf I had ever encountered and that made it especially hard to figure out how to please her.

I know that I need to leave and find her but first I have to finish up what I started here.

Amongst the body's that lay in the grass there are still some wolves that have yet to die completely and shift back into their human form for good. That's the MoonGoddesses way, in death we will remain human, knowing that our wolf was a gift that can not be taken for granted.

The darkness covers the body's in a cloak of night, obscuring their gruesome deaths from the naked eye. Slowly the sounds of the night emerge one by one. The buzz of a bug, the creak of an old tree branch swaying in the wind. It's like nothing happened when so much did.

I slowly rip my eyes away from the fallen and the few dying soldiers of mine. They fought hard and deserved a honorable death like the one they just died in. Their is no shame, no regret for any member of my pack when in comes to dying in combat. The moon goddess honors those who serve a right and just cause in battle. She will treat them well in the afterlife.

I turn to my remaining pack of warriors and patrols. Their faces are gaunt, blood splattered on their bare skin, naked from just shifting. All my men are trained in both wolf and human form but when it comes to actually engaging in battle, wolves are the more powerful way to go.

I look at their expressions as exhaustion eats away at them, as they scan their work and almost grimace at the mess, at the death.
As much as I'd like to turn my back on this completely we are in a venerable position. I won't have anymore life's at risk.

"I want a full patrol line up around this boarder area and if anyone decides to leave their post for any reason I'll have them killed on the spot. Tell the other men to get their asses out here and for goddess sake don't speak a word of what has happened until I formally address the pack. Do you understand?" I ask icily as I scan their faces with a hard expression.

When no ones protests I speak again.

"Clean this mess up. Meet me at the pack house for a debriefing in 2 hours. I have other matters to deal with." I say with a tone that leaves room for no questions.

Slowly I turn around and smell the air, hopefully I can catch a whiff of anything other then blood, mainly Onalee. That little she wolf better have not gotten into too much trouble without me.....

With my patience running short I give up and shift into the trees, running in the direction I last saw her. If I'm lucky she won't be too far off. If everything worked out Ali will be walking back with her friend, safe and sound, while I have a nice chat with the guy and clear some things up. I hate to play the whole alpha male card....... wait that's a joke I live for it. Onalee is mine and some random boy won't just get to prance in and claim her.

I run faster. My wolf calls to her, my body signs a duet when we are together and is painfully lonely when we are apart. The ache in my bones can't be ignored any longer. I need to tell her how I feel which is a first.

As I'm racing through the woods I suddenly get a mind link breaking through my head and in a loud blaring voice a message comes through.

"Rhys, get your  ass  to over here! We have a problem!" She shouts. Her voice sounds fearful, concerned, but also panicked. The normally calm and collected warrior that has never asked for help is now losing her confidence. This is a damn bad time for that to happen.

And then it hits me like a blow to the face.

My stomach seems to drop out from beneath me. My wolf snarls in my head in fear and warning. My head spins like I'm breaking through a haze, finally coming back to the present.

It's Ash.

Who was supposed to be with Ali.


I need to find them.

Hey everyone!!! So before you complain yes I know this chapter was short, and yes I know that you're probably dying to find out what's happening to Onalee, but please be patient with me even when I don't deserve it. Life is crazy, school is crazy, sports are crazy, I'm honestly not sure how people balance writing with the rest of their life because I sure can't.... Anyway thanks for sticking with my book even when updates aren't frequent!!!




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