Chapter 16 : Early Morning

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I am being shaken.

Ok, that's an understatement.

I am literally being flung around like a rag doll. So much for sleeping in.

I crack open my right eye and glare at the person that would dare disturb me.

Standing over me is the frowning face of a girl. She is similar to my age with chin length red hair that is pulled into a half pony. A few flyaway strands frame her angelic pale face and bright hazel eyes. She is stocky and short but from my position on the bed she towers over me. The most important part of this whole encounter is that she has ruined my first peaceful sleep in many years.

'Get Revenge.' My wolf growls sleepily attempting to sound menacing but failing.

I laugh at her and push her away into the back of my mind. Wolves were always a tinge cranky early in the morning. As much as I would like to punch this girl in the face she most likely has a reason for interrupting my sleep. Weather on not it is a good one..... Well we will pray that it is a good reason for her sake.

"What in the Moon Goddess is going on!" I say rudely as I sit up from the bed and start to rub my stiff neck.

"Rhysand said you wanted to train with the best." She says simply shrugging her muscles shoulders that are in full view. Curtesy of the small grey tank top she wore. "I am the best."

It takes me a few moments to connect the dots but when I do I look her over skeptically. This girl couldn't even more than 5'4 and with her petite form it was hard to believe she was the 'best' as she had put it. Even with her well built body someone her size didn't stand a chance against a large male. I knew that until I see her in action I shouldn't count her out, many times appearances are deceiving. Many people have looked at me as if I was weak, a push over, but little did they know that my fire burned bright and hotter then theirs. I wa not I wolf to mess with. Maybe this girl was similar.

"Well tell Rhysand to go to hell. I didn't mean for him to have you wake me up in the middle of the night for training." I say exasperated as I stand up and walk over to the small clock that sits on the bed stand.

It reads 5:30 and I groan falling back onto the bed as I shake my head in annoyance. It is too early for me to have to deal with arrogant females. The room is still dark hence the fact that the sun has yet to rise. I have no clue how this girl even got in the house since it seems Maya is still in bed. She must have just let herself in.

"I don't think he would appreciate that and frankly neither would I. My name is Ash." She says as she walks over to my closet and starts to shift through the clothes, pulling out a pair of workout leggings and a loose tank top not to different from hers. She throw them at my feet in a pile. "You said you wanted to train, so we train. Now get your lazy ass out of bed before I force you out."

I look at her in anger. Wow this girl has some nerve to wake me from MY sleep, in MY bed, in MY room. Fine. Technically this was Maya's room and Maya's bed but for now it was mine.

"Now I'd appreciate if you would please get your ugly ass out of my sight, thank you very much." I say with a glare

I can't stand Ashes attitude. Her snarky words and sarcastic thoughts. It reminds me too much of myself and that is dangerous territory.

Ash turns to to face me from her position by the closet. Her eyes hint at her slight surprise at my words but it soon vanishes.

"You are the one who wanted to train. Meet me outside in five minutes or don't come at all." She says cooly before strutting out of the room and slamming the door shut. Looks like Maya won't be sleeping in either.

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