Chapter 13 : Warrior

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Rhysand walked fast. Seriously. I wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose just to piss me off or if he honestly walked this fast on a regular basis. My weak body could barely keep up with him, I might as well have run. Every step I took sent aches and pains echoing through my body.

I was thanking the Moon Goddess for fresh air the minute I set foot outside of the prison. Sun shone above, making me assume that it was mid afternoon. Birds flew overhead and the faint scent of sea salt could be identified with my enhanced sense of smell. It was a welcome change from the stench of the prison.

He led me across the prison lawn, to the entrance where two guards patrolled the tall iron gates. They were stern looking men, frowns on their cold faces, bored looking eyes. Their hair was buzzed close to their head and they wore matching black pants and black shirts. They had guns as well as knives strapped along their bodies. If their intention was to intimidate me, they deserved applause.

Rhysand didn't blink an eye as they nodded at him and opened the tall gates that lead to the gravel path way. I follow a few feet behind Rhysand, self conscious of my attire. Rhysand had failed to provide any suitable clothing, so I was still clad in the bloodied hospital gown. My arms were crossed over my chest in a failed attempt at maintaining some of my self respect. They say that as werewolves you get used to nakedness around others, but that's not true for me. I felt the guards eyes following me and I almost snapped their heads off as they looked me over.

"Nothing to see here, Shit heads!" I snarl as I walks past them. Making a point to look them in the eyes defiantly.

One of the guards didn't seem to like my comment because a moment later I find myself being thrown to the ground.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but you better shut your mouth before I kill your worthless ass!" One of the guards told me angrily as he kicked me in the ribs for good measure.

I fall in a messy heap into the gravel, it cuts into my skin leaving small gashes. My head looks up to asses my attacker so I can give him a piece of my mind but it seems Rhysand had already gotten the job done. Fury was written across his face in big bold letters. His hands were gripping the man throat, choking the life from him. Rhysand has the guard dangling in the air, desperately clawing at the hands that were around his neck.

"Do not insult her. If I didn't need two guards I'd have you banished right now for speaking like that in your alphas presence." He says angrily and drops the man on the ground. The other guard looks around, bewildered but goes to his partners aid, not bothering to question his alphas decision to protect a rouge wolf.

Inside, my wolf is practically swooning. Outside I'm glaring at Rhysand. He is still simmering with anger and I know that if I don't play this carefully I could end up messing with more then I can handle.

"I could have taken care of myself." I tell him defensively as I slowly pull myself back to my feet shakily. "I'm not some damsel in destress."

Rhysand walks over, leaving the guards behind him, and at my words he smirks at me letting his anger wash away. He infuriates me to no end. He constantly tries to get under my skin with that face of his. The way he struts over like he owns the place which unfortunately he does.

"For some reason I don't think you are in any position to defend yourself from anything other then a bug." Rhysand says, almost laughing at my words.

"Very funny Prince Charming." I say sarcastically and arch an eye brow while dusting the stray pieces of gravel off of me.

Rhysand only chuckles at me and I almost choke. He actually showed some hint of happiness. Wow what an improvement from the terrifying man that I first met.

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