Chapter 9 : Uncovered

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"Ali, can we go star gazing tonight?" Evies little voice whispered into my neck as I carefully picked her up to go to bed. I knew that another late night won't be healthy for a 5 year old girl but I gave in.

Today was one of my few days that I was free to spend the the entire day with my precious Evie. Usually she spent the day at day care but today was special. Today was the one year anniversary of our parents death and I had promised I'd spend it with Evie. She was still heartbroken from their sudden death but she had gotten much before. Just this afternoon we had gone to get ice cream from Evie favorite shop. She had ordered a three scoop cone of rocky road and I had gotten my all time favorite, birthday cake with extra sprinkles. That afternoon Evie had played for hours with other pups from the pack. They had run around like maniacs having fun like only children could. It was good for Evie to be a child for once, our parents death had forever her to grow up after then most children her age.

As the after noon had started to close reality set in. I began to feel this sense of solemnness and by the way Evie was acting, I could tell she felt it too. This day parked the first time where all we had were each other. It was the day that I realized family was one of the most important things to cherish, no matter what the day was. You never knew when all you loved could be lost.

So now as I attempted to put Evie to sleep, I found my self saying yes to her request. How could anyone say no to her cubby cheeks and blonde afro. She was the exact definition of innocence.

"Only if you promise to go to bed like a good girl afterwards, and no skipping your teeth brushing. You know what the dentist said last time....." I say sternly and I set her back down on the couch.

Evie looks at me and sticks out her pink tongue in defiance.

"But I'm a werewolf , I shouldn't have to brush my teeth!" She pouts at me from her spot on our leather couch. We had just finished Beauty and the Beast for the second time. It was Evies favorite of course. It was just around 8:30 and if we were to star gaze we would have to stay up much longer.

"Just because you are a werewolf doesn't mean that you can skip brushing your teeth Evie Barrow. Now do you want to go star gazing or what." I asked, irritation evident in my tone. Lately she has become a fire ball of sass which she probably learned from me. Oops.......

"Fine. Now can we please just go," she said loudly and made exaggerated hand gestures that made her look really silly.

I chuckled at packed up an old quilt and flash lights. I made Evie put on pants and a sweatshirt to keep her warm and to shield her from the swarms of mosquitoes that flew around in the woods at night. I did similar, dressed in black sweatpants and a grey hoodie that said LIVE in big bold letters; it was one of my favorites.

That night we lied under the dark sky and watched the stars glisten like precious gems. Evies eyes were wide open as she captured every moment with astonishment. I, on the other hand, looked at the stars in gratitude. I thanked the Moon Goddess for blessing me with two feet to walk under the sun and four paws to run under the moon.

I studied two stars that were close together and imagined that they were my parents looking down on me. I imagined that their faces smiled as I pulled Evie closer to me and cuddled her. A small tear slipped out of the corner of my eye as I lay beneath the night sky.


I jerk awake with tears runny down my face. My breath is ragged as I take in my surroundings. Then it all come back. I'm chained up in Rhysands torture chamber. I sigh and wish that I could go back and live in my dreams. Relive every good memory I have because they are all I got.

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