Chapter 30 : Epilogue

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I'm sitting in Rhys living room surrounded by my new family.


It's the day of the summer solstice and in the werewolf community it's a day of celebration. We are all gathered together eating platters of food which consists of expensive meats and cheese. Strong alcohol will be saved for the time after the solstice when we drink to thank the MoonGoddess for all our blessings.

I haven't been able to celebrate the summer solstice for years. And even when I could there was little I found myself thankful for. But now was different. Today was different. This future would be different.

And I was especially thankful for these people around me.

It turned out that Ash had only broken a bone in an inconvenient spot that had taken longer to heal then usual. Within a few hours it was good as new with her speedy werewolf healing. She now smiles from across the room as she talked to Ezra. Her fiery red hair is left down her back and she looks as perfectly groomed as usual.

Blue on the other hand had taken a few days to regain his composure but soon he was able to write out his story. His past. He told us about how he had been abused and hurt. After attempting to run away many times he had finally crossed the boarder into Rhys land. After much convincing Blue finally opened up and told us Ren had cut out his tongue when he was a young pup. I had immediately been filled with extreme anger. How could such a cruel man exist?

But after Rhys officially welcomes him into our pack, Blue started to act less fearful and I'd even see him smile some.

Maya as it turns out is an expert in sign language, something she picked up many years ago. She offered to teach Blue how to communicate through signing and I could tell the idea made him very happy. It warmed my heart to see them sitting together now playing a card game at a nearby table.

Rhys was sitting next to me. An arm wrapped around my side in his usual protective position. The man never gave me space, especially after the returning from the hospital. Apparently because I had worked my body so hard, my werewolf side had temporarily disappeared and needed much time to regain its full strength. That explained feeling cold right after I had woken up. But now is was merely a memory, and I was not about to live in the past any longer.

"What are you thinking about?" Rhys asks with concern.

I look over at him and take in the way he looks. Dark hair and strong jaw. Mouth watering as usual.

I just smiled and lean into him. Wrapping my arms around his middle and burying my face in his muscular chest. My wolf sighed in contentment and so did I.

"Nothing, just how happy I am to be here." I reply

Rhys chest shakes as he chuckles and nuzzles my head.

I know we still have such a long way to go. I know that there are still threats out there, like Ren that need to be stopped but I'm not alone anymore. I have people to love and listen to and they will help me through my past and present, just as I will help them.

And if I ever see Ren again......let's just say he won't want to mess with us.

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