Chapter 15 : Dinner

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The smell of seared meat, sweat potatoes, and fresh cut fruits makes my stomach growl. I haven't given much thought to my nutrition in awhile but from the way my stomach is growling I probably should pay more attention.

I walk out of my room and down the hallway to the kitchen where I can clearly hear Maya humming a tune that I don't recognize.

Another thing that I have greatly missed these past years is music.

The sound of harmonies, deep base, and notes blended together in just the perfect way that gives you chills. Lyrics that make you want to cry and lyrics that make you want to blast the words out loud no matter how foul the words. Songs that are able to connect with you like nothing else will ever be able too. Music isn't just for entertainment though. It is so much more. Music makes the pain go way. Music makes the fear and the hopelessness fade into the background. I had missed that. The sanctuary that it offered me in my hardest of times after my parents had died.

It had been just a few months after their death and it was all so fresh. I had fallen into a state of depression. I was lost, I was hopeless and most importantly I blamed myself for it all. For awhile I couldn't even look at Evie without sobbing. Every thing she did, every sound, everything movement reminded me of them. They were everywhere. In our house, in memories, in parks. I could still feel their presence all around me and I felt guilty. I felt guilty that I, the selfish daughter, had lived instead of my selfless parents. For awhile I had even considered the unthinkable, death. I believed that it should have been my punishment but then I thought of Evie. Her beautiful future. Growing up into a kid and learning to shift. Making memories without me. I wanted to witness that. I wanted to be there for her and tell her stories of the parents she didn't remember. So I decided to live again. This time I tried, I really gave it my all and now here I was. Everything had changed so much. Every heartbeat was different, so much different then I had previously imagined it. All I knew was I had to make every moment count. For them I would try and for me I would succeed.

Upon entering the kitchen I find Maya finishing setting up the dinning room table with mouth watering food. Everything from the meat to the potatoes looked delicious and I had to restrain myself from grabbing all the food and shoving it down my throat. It made me feel guilty that I was so quick to try and throw all my manners out the window just because I was hungry.

"Thank you." I say quietly as I walk over to the kitchen island and stand across from Maya as she grabs plates from a cabinet. Her back is turned to me so I'm not in her line of vision yet. She in yelps in surprise making me jump.

Maya almost drops the plates as I startle her from her task. She turns around quickly and sets the plates down on the counter loudly. They clank together in a chorus.

I can hear her heart rate speed up but I am still shocked that she didn't sense me coming in to the kitchen. Werewolves have exceptional hearing and smell making it almost impossible to catch them by surprise. It is highly unusual to scare them in the manner that I just scared Maya.

Maya's frantic eyes find me standing behind her and they widen in shock. I can tell she is surprised at my appearance from the way her eyes travel over me. She squints at my face as if making sure it is real. I remind my my irritated wolf that she has not yet seen our human form yet and we can't get pissed off just because she is curious.

'I still don't like her looking.' My wolf says stubbornly.

I agree but I bite my tongue. Having people look at me like I'm a piece of abstract artwork is annoying. They are constantly trying to figure out what the picture is supposed to be and that's not to far off from Maya's gaze.

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