Chapter 14 : Beginning

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We walked for awhile. Me on my four paws and Rhysand on his two legs. No words were uttered leaving me with only my thoughts. Nothing but the sounds of nature as entertainment. Glorious moments of peacefulness amongst the storm.

Rhysand seemed to be in no hurry to get to wherever we were headed and I didn't mind. I loved the smells and sounds of nature, stretching my wolfs legs was a bonus. She was content with the presence of our mate nearby, however that always changed when he opened his mouth. Rhysand was the person that could eventually become bearable as long as you didn't have to actually converse with them. It seemed that the minute either of us started to speak, things went down hill. Or rather blew up in a explosive show, not that much different then a firework show on the Fourth of July.

Rhys, as I have started to refer to him as, hasn't spoken a thing about our destination, leaving me to imagine all sorts of scenarios. Ones where I'm duped off with some annoying women as revenge. She sometimes kills me in my sleep, or she makes me her personal slave. I sure hope that my wild imagination is wrong. Maybe she is a perfectly nice being that won't make my life a living hell.

We reached a clearing of trees that surrounded a small cottage, if you could call it that. It was a one story farm style house. White wooden shingles and blue shutters that were slowly peeling, exposing the brown wood beneath. A bright yellow door was centered between two sides of a wraparound porch. Three dated rocking chairs stood on one side slowly swaying in the light wind. Small pots of flowers lined the stairs that led up to the porch. A rusted weather vain sat mightily on the highest crest of the roof. Everything about this house was quant and quirky, just glancing at it made me want to smile. It was such a unique sight that stood amongst the towering pine trees. This house was like a ray of sunshine in the middle of a cloudy day.

Rhys walks up the wooden porch steps and I pad a few feet behind him. The stairs creak as I prance up. My tail billows behind me as I wait to meet my host. I sit on my bottom as Rhys knocks on the door, somehow managing to appear like a gentleman. He stands causally by the door, hands in his pockets and hair swept back from his captivating face. For once his face isn't pulled into a sneer or frown, but instead a welcoming expression. Lips curled upwards, eyes kind, still closed off though.

The sound of foot steps can be heard from inside the house, nearing the entrance. My wolf holds her breath as the door is swung open with a mighty push. The face of a beautiful middle aged woman is revealed. Charcoal black curls were cut just above her slim shoulders and icy blue eyes peered out curiously. Small crows feet lined her eyes and wrinkles by her mouth led you to believe that she smiled more then normal. She wore a faded green apron and had a spoon of something that resembles batter in one delicate hand.

"Hello Alpha, I wasn't sure when you would be showing up. Excuse my appearance I was just baking a cake for this evening." She says as she brushes a hand across her forehead, fixing a few stray strands of hair. In the process she smears some cake batter across her forehead. Realizing her mistake she chuckles and attempts to wipe it way.

"No problem, after all you are doing me a tremendous favor." Rhysand drawls with heavy emphasis on 'tremendous' while shooting me a glance.

I huff out a breath of annoyance and shake my head, letting my tongue flop out of my mouth as I study this woman in front of me. As far as I can tell she has no interest in Rhysand. Her gaze is merely respectful with no lust laced in it.

Thank the Moon Goddess.

"Well this must me the famous Onalee." She says as she looks down at me, "I'm Maya."

I glance at her skeptically at first. I have learned the importance of not trusting strangers too soon. Most of the time I am let down by my childish fantasies of people showing kindness and respect to all beings.

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