Chapter 28 : Breath

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It's the only thing I can remember to do. It's the only action that I can perform. It's the only constant among the chaos.

The air circling inside your lungs and refreshing your body. The feeling of something cool and crisp entering your nose and coming out your month. It's something you can't take for granted.

At this moment everything is frozen around me. I'm frozen in a snap shot of time. Still, unmoving.

The wolves are caught charging forward. Lips peeled back in snarls, paws lifted off of the forest path, mid stride. Their array of coat colors meld together in a furry blob. Each menacing, threatening,  together they are a force to be reckoned with. A thunder storm ready to unleash its wrath upon the ground.

Around us the trees stand tall, unmovable, witnesses to years of pain, death, hope. Their branches full of leaves, look gray with my night vision, held in place when they usually sway in the constant wind.

A few feet away I spot Ash. In her wolf form she looks almost like a pup. All big brown eyes and slightly floppy ears. Her beautiful honey gold coat still seems to shine in the dark. However pretty she might look in her wolf form she doesn't let that give away her true intentions. Her long and sharp canines are bared out to the whole world as she charges towards the pack of wolves. The hair on Ash's back is raised in hostility and if I was  her enemy I would be running the other direction.

And then there's me. I'm hurtling through the air. One paw raised in preparation to swipe the throat of an on coming wolf. I'm out for blood. A raw sense of hunger for the battle races through my veins. I've been pushed down to the ground too many times. I've been belittled by too many men who thought they were bigger and more powerful then me. I've felt the shame that comes from feeling as if you're never enough. I've been through it all and now it's over.

When Rens pack first stormed over my home I ran. I thought I could escape the beast that had torn through my life. I knew better now. You don't let the beast take over your home, you kick it out with so much force it never dares to come back.

Over the past few weeks Rhys pack and his land had become my only safety, my only home and although it was still unclear where we stood in our relationship I knew we both agreed on one thing. This pack, this territory, this beautiful gift that the moon goddess blessed us, it deserved to have a chance. And I knew better then to run away from the things that I wanted to keep.

I stood frozen in time. I was a simple player in the moon goddesses much larger plan and for some reason I finally found the things that I had struggled with in the past start to make sense.

I was frozen. I was stuck in the past. And now I was ready to hit the play button. I was ready for what ever life could throw at me.

I am hurtling through the air. My blood thumping through my veins as everything comes back into motion. I crash into another wolf and blindly snap my jaws on whatever body part is nearest to me, which just so happens to be a wolfs hind leg. My teeth sink into flesh as I rip and tear skin away from bone and then swing my head in the opposite direction, flinging the wolf away from me in the process. I hear a crash that follows but I don't have time to feel satisfaction. Another wolf in upon me and I find myself using all the techniques and strategies that I had learned from Ash as well as my previous pack warriors. Head up, muscles ready, light feet, mouth slightly open, aware of my peripheral vision.

I rammed my body into a distracted wolf and swiftly yanked out his throat like a savage beast born from darkness and fed on blood. I wasn't enjoying myself but I found some satisfaction in defending my home one wolf at a time.

I had just finished off a group of three wolves when I heard a fearful squeal. My wolf quickly registered it as Ash and turned in that direction.

A large grey wolf towered above Ash as she nursed a leg that was strangely bent. Her gaze was one filled with terroir and for a moment I was brought back to that life changing moment from years ago.

Evie, small, frightened, helpless. A large wolf towering over her. Ending her life much to soon on the forest floor. All because I wasn't quick enough, I hesitated too much. I was doubtful, I was stupid. And I would live with that pain and that regret every day for the rest of my life. But no way in hell was I going to stand by and watch it happen again.

With newfound anger I jumped through the air like a missile, straight into the back on the wolf. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I snarled and growled, biting down on the neck of the wolf. I could feel the shock and then pain radiating from him but I didn't care. He hurt my friend, my Ash. He was not going to get any mercy.

I snapped my jaws and clawed flesh away from him back until the fight left his body and slowly the life did too.

By now few wolves remained, mainly the weaker ones, fearful to rush into the fight.
I snarled at them and as much as it would have been satisfying to rip out their throats too they deserved a chance to run. And Run they did. It was as is the MoonGoddess had possessed them and forced their bodies to take off into the night.

And thank goodness for that because as soon as the threat was gone my body completely started to shut down.

My legs became jello and my stomachs contents worked it's way up my throat and out my mouth. After I was done I hesitantly glanced around to make sure Ash and Blue were alright.

Ash was still huddled in a ball, panting but for the most part she looked okay. Nothing a pack doctor couldn't fix.

Blue on the other hand was still in his human form, ropes around his limbs, bleeding in the forest floor, unconscious. Thankfully I could still hear the strong beat of his heart and allowed myself to breath a sigh of relief.

Never in a million years would I have envisioned myself walking out of this alive much less with only a few gashes.

Slowly I payed down and let my head fall onto the forest floor as my body began to shutdown. Sleep tugged at my eye lids but a familiar sent made me stay awake just a little longer.

A large black wolf raced to me and immediately bugged my with his nose, licking my wounds, rubbing my scent all over me. It had such a peaceful effect on me. I began to relax and nod off to sleep and my protector stood above me. He howled into the night, a long mournful sound.

I drifted into a tranquil state and hoped I could tell Rhys all the things I needed to before it was too late.

I was ready to become a part of this pack. I was ready to face my past. I was ready to live. And I wanted to do it all with Rhys by my side.

Early Christmas gift!!! I know that I haven't been actively updating at all but I'm hoping that over break I will have another chapter ready for you guys so stay tuned!!




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~thanks all for my lovely readers!! Have a great holiday season;)

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