Chapter 25: Fight

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Rhys point of view:

"The rouge wolf must not be harmed, detain but do not provoke." I repeat over and over through the pack link. It's an order, not a request.

I make sure that every wolf on patrol knows too. Each ones responds with a stiff "yes sir". They know the rules and the training has been cut into their skin. Every command, every pro caution, it's been drilled into their heads. I have faith in my guards ability to follow through with my demands. However, I have less faith in the outcome.

I turn to find Ali and tell her that I warned the pack, but unsurprisingly she has disappeared into the dark forest.

"Shit." I say loudly. My voice echoes through the suspiciously quite forest. All the sounds of bugs and birds that usually mill around the pine trees has gone completely silent.

I glance around and then sniff the air hoping to catch a whiff of Onalees mouth watering scent.

A gust of wind pushes my direction, carrying with it the smell of roses and coconuts. Ali.

I start to head in that direction, traveling at a swift run. I would shift to make up time but all I can envision Ali's flushed cheeks if I arrived naked. As much as I would enjoy the sight of her round face tinged red, I don't want to push her. I know how hard it is for her to come to terms with her past while considering the possibility of an actual future.

The episode at the ocean still can't evade my mind. I remember her walking into the water fighting her body's movements. I remember the emptiness that was present on her face right after. It had seemed like she had lost some part of her then. This part of her was just gone and it wasn't as if I found myself missing it but rather just curious about it. Her eyes seemed to light up more often, and the spunky girl that first captured my thoughts is showing up more and more often. Whatever has happened I hope that someday I earn a place in Ali's life. Maybe she will deem me worthy of her trust, finally opening.

I duck under a low lying branch and pick up my pace. I have to find Ali. I can't trust that this boy Ali knows isn't a potential threat. Physical or emotional. It's also a possibility that he didn't run into my territory alone. Whatever the situation is I need to protect Ali and my dominance. I can't have my pack starting to think I'm a wuss for not detaining a rouge wolf.

Ali might have opened my eyes to a new sort of life but that didn't mean that the rules changed. I still had people to think about. Pups and elders. They relied on me for safety and if I wasn't careful that could all change in a heartbeat.

"Alpha, West boarder patrols have heeded your order to stand down but we just picked up the scents of a large group of wolves." One of my patrol officers mind links me. I think his name is Ryan, new to his position but passed all the training requirements with ease. His voice is laced with underlying panic. Probably the first altercation Ryan has been present for.

"Are you certain." I ask him as I continue following Ali's scent unconsciously. It still draws me in no matter what else is going on.

"Yes. A few wolves have been sighted but haven't crossed yet. Signs of hostility have been presented." Ryan says in a rushed voice.

"Remain at the ready for attack." I tell Ryan as I contemplate what my next move should be. Rarely does we have large groups of wolves passing along our boarder, much less without permission. It's almost equivalent to a death wish.

"Alpha, rouge wolves sighted at the north boarder." A new voice fills my head," they are running in human form. Wait....they have disappeared along the coastline. I do not have a visual."

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