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I have been enjoying my time living in Daphne so far. The city has many beautiful parks, and I have never seen so many fresh flowers in my life. The people here are extremely friendly and welcoming. Our fridge is now filled with pies brought to us by almost everyone in the neighborhood.

I found it strange at first, but the pies tasted terrific, and I have been surviving on a pies-only diet for the last few days. However, my days of bliss and binge-watching Dean's face in Supernatural were about to end. Today was Monday, and I had to go to school. They had already completed three weeks of school here, but I was used to joining schools late in the academic year, so this was nothing. 

I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. I was wearing ripped jeans, a T-shirt, and red Nike Dunk Lows. I tried to keep my outfit simple since I didn't know anyone here and didn't want to attract any unwanted attention.

I walked down the stairs; the house was empty. My mom was starting her work today and had to go to the Daphne location to check-in. I quickly grabbed a bottle of water and my keys and left the house. As soon as I stepped outside, I could smell the fresh flowers; some neighbors were gardening. Although it was early, the sun was already scorching.

I was about to open my car door when I heard my neighbor's front door open. It was the neighbor with the pink house, and the boy I had seen from the window walked out. He was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans and had a backpack hanging low on his back. I couldn't see his face because his hoodie covered it. I watched him as he walked down the street.

I got into my car to go to school, hoping not to be too late. Since the school was nearby, it only took me about five minutes to get there. I followed the signage and made my way to the front office. The secretary greeted me with a smile. She appeared to be an older woman in her fifties. "Hello, I'm Bianca. I'm a new student, and I'm here to pick up my schedule," I informed her. She smiled back and entered my name into the computer.

"Oh, it's you," she said brightly. "The principal wanted to see you." That was odd. The secretaries usually just print me a copy of my schedule and leave me alone. I always try my best to avoid seeing the principal. "Nothing to worry about, dear," she passed her hands in the air in a quick motion. She motioned for me to follow her. We walked down a corridor until we arrived at a big lobby.

She knocked on Dr. H. Thompson's office door, which I assumed was the principal. A gruff voice called for her to enter. "This is Bianca," she said before leaving.

"Please have a seat, Ms. Jackson," he said, pointing to the chair across from him. I obliged and took a seat. He was an older white man who put his hands together, appearing to be in deep thought. He passed his hands through his mostly grey hair and introduced himself, "I'm Dr. Thompson," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand, and he gave me a firm grip. He then proceeded to take out some files and read through them. "I'm impressed," he said after going through the files.

"Of what?" I asked him, feeling clueless.

"I have reviewed your academic portfolio, and I must say that it is extremely impressive. Frequently changing schools can lead to a lack of academic stability, but you have still managed to excel in your advanced placement courses and maintain straight A's. However, I noticed that you have not yet applied to any colleges."

I frowned. He was talking about college, a subject I always tried to avoid. I hated discussing the future, and maybe I didn't want to attend college. I didn't want to think about it. "You need to apply; the earlier, the better, especially with your record," he finished.

"My record?" I questioned.

"Yes, you've been suspended multiple times, expelled twice, and you constantly get into fights," he repeated.

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