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"Thank you for joining me for detention, Ms. Jackson," Ms. Brun said when it has finally been an hour. I smiled happily ready to get out of here. She and Justin had the most inappropriate conversations; they probably weren't that inappropriate, but when you see your teacher talking about anything other than math, it is awkward. 

"Yes," I said, "I will see you some other day," I grabbed my stuff ready to leave. She chuckled and got up also packing her stuff. It was late, I didn't think they were paying her to stay here this late. As she packed, Justin was talking to her about something, I did not bother with knowing. 

"Well, let's go," she said. She grabbed her bag and we exited the classroom together. The usually filled walls of the school were now empty and silent. There were a few janitors around cleaning the school, we walked to the parking lots. Once we reached the parking lots, Justin said goodbye to Ms.Brun since him and I were parked next to each other. Justin opened her back door and put her bag for her. He then opened the driver's side door so she can get in. "I will see you later," she told him with a smile. They did have time to see each other; it was only six in the afternoon. 

She was about to enter her car when Justin pulled her towards him and kissed her deeply. I turned my eyes and stood there awkwardly. They then hugged each other even though they would see each other later. After some time, she entered her car and Justin shut the door for her. We watched as she drove away both of us waving goodbye. "You had fun, didn't you?" Justin asked as we walked down the parking lot where the students parked. I nodded my head, it was kind of fun plus Ms. Brun helped me with the homework she had given. "Told you," he said proudly. "But, I am serious, you have to make up with Christopher," he added.

"We never got in a fight," I told him, "besides I don't know Justin, I feel like this is a mistake," I said. 

"I don't see the problem, you both like each other and he is a good man. What are the chances that he breaks your heart? I think you'll be breaking his heart," he said. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I did really care about him which was surprising. "And in life, you have to be willing to take risks. There's no guarantee that you guys will work out, but it's worth the risk," he said. I think he was spending too much time with Ms. Brun, he was too wise for his age. We finally reach our cars, "just try," he said. I nodded my head, he unlocked his car putting his stuff down as I did the same. 

"So, you're not going to open my door for me?" I asked teasingly, he looked at me raising his eyebrow. "You did it for Emma?" I said putting air quotations around her name. He chuckled shaking his head. 

"Bianca, go home," he said. "Go get yourself a man to open doors for you." I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. I opened my door and walked in, I started my car and drove away. 

Within five minutes, I was home. I pulled into my driveway and my mom was already home. I knew she was going to yell at me for coming home late without calling. I think my phone died, it had to be somewhere in my bag. Well, she was about to yell some more because I was going over to CJ's before I go home. He had to be home from work by now, I walked across the street still in my clothes from practice. I took a deep breath knowing he might shut the door in my face again. 

I could do this; it was a risk worth taking. I rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer. After a few seconds, the door opened. I put my head down expecting him to be the one at the door, but it was his mother, Katlyn. "Good afternoon," I told her. She gave me a bright smile, "how are you?" I asked.

"Good, thanks for asking," she answered, "CJ is in the shower, he should be-"

"Mom, who's at the door?" I heard him ask before his mom had a chance to finish her statement. 

"Come see for yourself," his mother said back. I heard footsteps coming towards the door until he stood beside his mother. He looked at me, I was unable to read his expression. His mother gave me one last smile and then left. His hair was wet surely showing he was just in the shower. He was only in a pair of sweatpants, he did not even have a shirt on. Did he just walk around his house without a shirt? He cleared his throat making me look up into his eyes. 

"What's up?" He asked me. He looked like he was wondering why this crazy girl keeps on coming to his house. He probably did not even want to see me anymore. 

"Hi," I said awkwardly, "so, the carnival is in town," I told him. He nodded his head, "Justin says it's really fun and I've always liked carnivals," it was not a lie, I did like carnivals. "I'm new around here and I barely know anybody, I guess I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me this Saturday," he looked at me with a straight face, I did not know what he was thinking. "Just so you can show me how this town carnivals," I added after a while. I just turned carnival into a verb, that was not a good sign. 

"They carnival the same way as any town," he said. "Bianca, I work Saturday, why don't you make Justin go with you?" He questioned. 

"Um..." why didn't I ask Justin to take me? "He will be busy," I replied, "plus we can go at night when you get back from work," I told him. 

"Um..." he said thinking about it for a second, "Bianca, I-I"

"Please?" I asked him. 

"Uh," he said, "sure, I guess we could go around eight," I told him. 

"Okay, thank you," I told him, "I have to go now before my mama beats me," he raised his eyebrow, "bye," I told him.

"Yeah, bye," he said. He stood there staring at me, I gave him a smile and he does so also. "You have to go," he told me after a while.

"Yes," I said, I turned around and walked to my house. As soon as I opened my door, I heard my mother.

"Bianca, where the heck were you?" She asked coming near the door. 

"Detention," I answered her, "I can explain..." I started.

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