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"You're going to make this a habit?" CJ asked as I took a seat next to him in the cafeteria. 

"Good afternoon to you too, Christopher James," I answered, it might not have been the answer he was looking for, but an answer nonetheless. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, I decided I would call him his full name now, it sounded better than what everyone called him. I gave him a smile, he turned back around and looked down at the cold lasagna the school decided to give for lunch today. He played with it, he even put some in the fork and smelt it. 

"So, what did she say?" He questioned, I raised my eyebrow, "Allison," he whispered.

"I thought you didn't care," I teased, he licked his pink lips and looked at me. His eyes were speaking to me admitting indeed he cared, but I guess he did not want to admit it out loud. "Well, she said that she never thought of you like that and she considers you like a brother," I blurted out. He frowned, "don't lose hope," I said. "You have one of the best matchmakers, she just don't know how much she wants you yet, she'll know by the end of the month," it was the middle of the month so I guess in two weeks. 

"I don't see how," he told me. 

"I'm Bianca Jackson," I said, "nothing is impossible for me, I once convinced a girl that is allergic to chocolate that chocolate was her favorite."


"Yeah," I said thinking about the memory. "I hypnotized her," I added. It was one of the legacies I left, I think she lived in Washington or something. I hope she didn't contact the police, I might not be allowed to go to Washington now.

"Why?" He practically yelled. 

"Because I wanted to get her on a hospital bed, she was covered in pimples, you should have seen her," I started laughing. CJ looked at me with a straight face not finding my story funny, "but don't worry I will not hypnotize Allison," I added. I would get her to break up with her boyfriend and make her vulnerable, but I wouldn't get inside her brain. "Anyways, you want to get some real lunch?" I asked looking at the nasty lasagna.

"Can't leave campus, besides don't you go out to lunch with Justin?"

"He has a meeting with coach plus the guards know me and let me out now," I said with a smile. "Let's go," I told him. Just then Connor was coming, I did not know much about him. He didn't have any classes with me and I only saw him with CJ during lunch. "Hey Connor, we are leaving to get some lunch, wanna come?" I asked him. 

"Um..." he turned and looked at CJ as if he had to give him permission to do so. 

"She's cool," he said. 

"I am," I said with a smile, "I won't poison y'all," he chuckled and shook his head looking at CJ. I could tell he did not trust me, but I did not care, I didn't trust him either. "Let's go," I said. All three of us walked out of the cafeteria. We walked towards the parking lot, one of the guards saw me and smiled, "Hi Gary, how's the wife?" 

"Petty as usual," he replied, I smiled and we walked to my car. 

I unlocked my car and opened the driver's side door, "come on, get in," I told them. CJ climbed on the passenger side and Connor entered the back. "Don't mind the mess, I'm still lazy," I said. CJ took out his hoodie letting out his hair, he chuckled and looked at me. As I put the key in the ignition, the music I was listening to earlier blasted on the radio. It was a song from The Lion King. I quickly put the volume down completely and acted as if that didn't happen. I did not want people to know that I love Disney movies. "Do you guys want to eat from a fast food restaurant or a Diner?"

"Fast food," Connor quickly replied, "We have class in twenty minutes," I looked at him in the rearview mirror as he looked down at his watch. 

I chuckled, "CJ, why is your friend so uptight?" I asked, CJ chuckled and turned and looked at him, "but don't worry we'll get something from a drive-thru so you can get to class in time." I got out of the school and drove towards McDonald's, I think it was the closest fast food restaurant from the school. We reached it and I entered the drive-thru, "what do you guys want?" I asked them. CJ said his order and Connor did the same. I ordered some chicken nuggets, actually a lot of them. 

I love chicken nuggets; I drove up to pay, I dug through my bag and pulled out my wallet. CJ stopped me, "I got it," he said. I shrugged my shoulders, nice of him to pay for us. He took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out his card. He handed it to me and I handed it to the young lady who was at the drive-thru. After she did the payment, we received our food and we made our way to the school. 

"You guys should start eating if you don't want to be late to class especially you, Connor," I said looking at him in the rearview mirror. He nodded his head and took out his burger inside the bag. He started eating as I drove, by the time I reached the school he had finished eating. I looked at the time, class was starting in five minutes.

"I should go," Connor said, "thank you," he said opening the car door and rushing out. I watched as he ran towards the school, I started laughing.

"Seriously, where did you get him?" I asked CJ, "he's worse than you."

"Leave him alone," CJ told me, "that's because he's a freshman, he's in one of Ms. Brun's class and she asked me to tutor him. You'll like him, he's a sweet, smart kid, he just needs to chill a little," I nodded my head. I took out my nuggets and started eating them. I watched as CJ also started eating his burger.

"You sound like you really care about him."

"I do, I never had a brother and he's like my little brother," somehow I understood him. I never met any of my siblings and I wished I knew them. Maybe my sister and I would share a room and argue all night or something and my brother and I would pull pranks on my parents. I saddened a little bit thinking about it. "You okay?" CJ asked.

"Yeah," I replied gathering myself, "we should get going," I said putting my stuff together to leave. 

"Thank you for this and thanks for Allison."

"Thank me at the wedding," he chuckled, but I could see the small blush on his cheeks. 

His Savior ✔️ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora