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"Hey," I heard someone say as they shook my body. I groaned and got more comfortable in my bed, I did not know why my mom was trying to wake me. "Bianca," I heard my name being called.

"Go away," I said covering my head with the blanket.

"Bianca, it's me, we'll be late to school," I heard the voice more clearly now and quickly got up. CJ sat beside me and he was already dressed for school, I quickly covered my face when I realized I just woke up. I looked pretty bad when I woke up from my sleep and I did not want him to see me like this. I had a scarf over my hair and not to mention that my face would now look ugly. "What are you doing?" He asked chuckling. He removed the blanket from my face and stared at me. "You look cute," he added.

"Mhmm," I said not believing a thing he said. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked the time, I still had time to shower and get ready for school. CJ had been nice yesterday and let me stay in his guest room. That was very kind of him, "I will be going now," I said getting up from the bed. I slept in my shorts, but it didn't feel weird since I always wear shorts for soccer anyway. "Thank you for letting me crash here and I will see you at school," he nodded his head and I grabbed my stuff from there and exited the room.

I knew the house pretty well now and I made my way down the stairs then I walked straight across to my house. My mom's car was in the parking lot, I guess she did not leave for work yet. I did not know how to react when I see her after what I said last night. I knew it was the truth, but to her, it was more than that. To her, it was love. My mom started babysitting while she was in college for some extra money and she happened to become a babysitter for this young couple who had twins which happened to be my father. According to her, they fell in love and started the ridiculous affair that led to me. 

When she told him, he wanted to keep her quiet and that's about how far the story goes. My mom always starts to cry when she gets to the part of her explaining what happened after he was informed about me. I opened the house door quietly, it was silent in there; she probably did not even wake up yet. I sneaked my way to my room to get ready for school.


"So, did you think about the game?" Justin asked. I looked over at him and raised my eyebrow. I was a little lost as to what game he was referring to. "Our last game, the scouts are coming, remember?" He questioned, I nodded my head. "I meant what if they want you?"

"Want me?" I asked him. We stopped in front of Ms. Brun's room. We had met in the parking lot since we always park next to each other. At first, it was just annoying now it's really cool.

"Yeah, to play professionally?" He asked. I promised him I would think about it, but to be honest I did not. I had more things to worry about than just soccer. However, I could not tell him that. I knew how important this was to him especially since he could not play anymore.

"I don't know," I answered after a  while. "Justin, I absolutely have no idea what I want to do with my life," I blurted out. "And everyone is pressuring me about something and telling me what I should be doing. I love soccer and if it comes to that, I'll handle it, but not right now, please?" I asked him. He nodded his head, I think he understood what I meant. I think he was also one of those people who also had no idea what to do with their lives and everyone was telling you should simply because we are seniors.

"Hey," he said, he touched my arm gently, "you don't have to have your life planned out right now, we'll take it one step at a time," I smiled. He gave me a side hug. The door opened and Ms. Brun came giving us a smile. We both entered taking our seats. One by one other students started filling in the classroom. And of course, CJ was late as usual even though he was even ready before I even woke up. I wonder what he did before he finally decided to come to school. 

"Okay class let's begin," Ms. Brun said beginning our busy day.


"Just imagine if that were real," Justin said as we exited the classroom. I laughed, I was sad, but Justin did have a way of making my day better. He spent the whole class joking and playing around. Sometimes I questioned how even passed the class, the funny thing is despite him talking he always have all of his notes copied down. I was the one unable to multi-task. I spotted CJ walking down the hall, "I will see you later," Justin said. I nodded my head and I watched as he made his way towards his next class.

I walked a little faster until I caught up with CJ, I tapped his shoulder gently and he turned around, "hey," he told me with a smile.

"Hi," I said even though we saw each other this morning and we were int he same class, "thanks again for yesterday," I thanked him for letting me stay at his place. I definitely did not want to stay home to see how everything turned out. 

"It was no problem," he replied.

"Why are you always late to school if you are up so early?" I asked him. We stopped and I noticed we were in front of my class.

"You want to know the truth?" He asked me, I nodded my head. "I always wake up early and get dress because my mom has to get her meds during that time, but I always go back to sleep.

"You're serious?" I asked him. 

"Yep," he answered, "I love my sleep," I chuckled shaking my head. "So, how are you doing with the whole dad thing?" He asked me turning around to look at me. He put his hands inside his hoodie.

"Father," I replied, he raised his eyebrow. "There is a difference between a dad and a father, he's my father because he gave me a sperm. A dad is someone that raises their child and is there for them," I told him. He nodded his head understanding, "to answer your question, I am fine. I always knew he existed and part of me knew this could happen one day and it did. I met him and I found out that I do not look like him," I joked. 

"I'm sure there are more reasons you wanted to meet him besides wanting to know if you looked like him," he said. "He's your father, maybe you wanted to know what type of person he is," he said. "My mom used to always love telling the story of how she met my dad; she said they met at central park while my mom went to one of her usual morning runs. My dad swears they met at a food truck in central park while she was trying to get a taco. And until today, I have no idea how they met and they will argue to death about it," I chuckled. 

"The point is, there is a different side to every story. I know you have heard your mom's side now why don't you try hearing his side of the story. There is no excuse he could ever come up with to explain why he would ever leave you but hear him out before you make up your mind."

"Why do you always have to be right?" I questioned him. 

"It's a gift," he said. I chuckled again, the bell rung again and students now rushed to their classes. I was already in front of the class so I had no problem, but CJ seemed not to care that he would definitely be late to his class. "I will see you later," he added. He approached me, I thought he was going to hug me, but instead, he pecked my lips. I looked at him surprised, he has never kissed me at school before. "Precious," he said barely in a whisper. I smiled and I watched as he walked down the hall.

"Are you coming Ms. Jackson?" I heard my teacher ask. I turned around to see him standing there holding the door. I nodded my head walking in the classroom taking my seat. I couldn't help but have a smile on my face throughout the day.

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