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"I thought we would have won," Justin went on rambling about the game we lost a day ago. I had no idea why he was thinking about soccer when we were in math class, but I was not one to judge. I was not even paying attention to what Ms. Brun was saying, I was too busy having a staring contest with CJ. This staring contest was not any fun though, we weren't smiling, we were just looking both a million thoughts going through our minds, "okay, that's it," Justin said turning my head so I could face him. "I'm tired of you staring at him, what's going on between you guys?" He questioned.

"Nothing," I replied shrugging my shoulders. 

"Bianca," he groaned.

I sighed, "I was helping him with something and made him kiss me," I said.

"Why would you make someone kiss you?" He asked me, he then shook his head telling me he did not need an answer. "How does that create staring contests?" He asked.

"When he kissed me, I realized that I liked him and then he told me he liked me and then here we go," I blurted out. Justin looked at me weird taking in what I just said.

"So, you guys are dating?" He asked, "wait, he told you he liked you?" He asked, I nodded my head. "That does not sound like Christopher, must have taken a lot of courage to tell a girl that he likes her," he added. "I still don't see the problem," he said after a while. He was right, it must have taken a lot of courage; he liked Allison for years and never built up the courage to tell her. 

"The problem is I don't date," I told him. "And I think I really like him," I turned looking at him. He was now staring at the board actually doing his work. 

"So, you don't date and you like him," Justin closed his eyes and shook his head. "So, Christopher who is extremely shy pours out his heart in front of you and you turn him down because you don't date?" He questioned, I nodded my head. When he put it like that, it sounded really bad, but I guess it was the truth. "And why exactly don't you date?"

"Becuase I move every year and I-I," I could not bring myself to say the words, "I'll grow to attach and I'll get my heart broken," I finally let out. Justin chuckled, I punch his arm lightly. 

"Bianca Arielle Jackson is afraid of getting her heart broken," I raised my eyebrow of how he knew my full name, but he pointed at my paper. I covered the paper and looked at him. "Welcome to the real world where people get their hearts broken every day," he said, "you have been here for about three months, that means, you have around nine months left here," he pointed out. "In these nine months, you will go out with the guy because he is a good person and I am so tired of you guys staring at each other like you want to eat each other's face off. Then when it's time for you to move, you can decide what will happen," I frowned at how he was just telling me what to do.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked him. 

"Well, the good news is, you do want to. The carnival is in town, ask him to take you this Saturday," he added. 

"Ms. Jackson, Mr. Thompson," Ms. Brun called our names, "are you guys going to spend all my class talking?" She inquired.

"Well," Justin started, I already knew this was not going to end well. "I like to do what suits me and right now talking suits so to answer your question, yes. We are going to spend all your class talking, Ms. Brun," he said. 

"Then I will see you two in detention after school," she said with a smirk. Justin chuckled staring into her brown eyes. 

"But we have practice," I said.

"Then I will see you guys after," she said returning to her lesson. I turned and looked at Justin who was smiling. I did not know why he thought it was funny, we would literally have to spend an extra hour here after practice.


"Sweetheart, calm down," Justin said as we entered Ms. Brun's classroom. I was tired, we had a hard practice because we lost the game. "It's only an hour," he added. I walked to my seat and sat waiting for what we would do here. Ms. Brun was sitting grading papers. Justin walked behind her desk opening the mini fridge she had, he took out two bottles of water tossing one over to me. "Drink," he ordered. 

I was thirsty so I drunk down the cold water, "Emma, I have to study for a test, you can't possibly have me staying here for an hour," he said to Ms. Brun with a frown. 

"You can study here," she said taking off her glasses and setting them down. She let out a sigh and looked at Justin, "you guys need to stop talking during my class and you need to stop trying to play smart with me," she said to Justin. 

"I was only trying to fix your problem," Justin snapped back. 

"What problem?" She asked.

"You spent all night complaining about how one of your best students was slacking off in your class. Well, the problem is fixed because he will stop staring at Bianca in class," Justin said.

"We don't stare at each other all class," I said. I still paid attention and I still passed my test.

"You might not, but he does," Ms. Brun said. 

"Wait, you guys were together last night?" I asked, when did Ms. Brun have time to tell Justin all of this. And he mentioned, she was complaining about it all night. Justin nodded his head, "your parents let you spend the night out?" I questioned. His father was really strict and it was also a school night.

"I'm not a little kid, Bianca," he said, he was eighteen. "I can stay out all night if I want to," he added. Ms. Brun huffed shaking her head. 

"Says the person who can't breathe without asking for daddy's permission. Your father picks which college you go to, which classes you take, what you do in your free time. Hell, he even decides what you eat for lunch," Ms. Brun said.

"Fine," Justin let out. My dad was out of town for a business trip.

"Exactly boy," Ms. Brun said. 

Justin hugged her from behind, "don't call me boy," he said. 

"You are a boy," she snapped back.

"That's not what you were calling me last night," I gasped. I get up from my seat grabbing my stuff.

"Um... can I leave?" I asked them.

"Sit down, Ms. Jackson, this is detention and it'll last an hour unless you want me to report you to Justin's daddy, I suggest you sit your butt down."

"Then can you guys stop being nasty?" I asked with a frown. 

"Nope," Justin replied this time, "this is for making my woman worry about Christopher. Besides you're just mad you don't have anyone to be nasty with. This can be you and Christopher if you give him a chance."

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