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I shifted on my bed once more unable to sleep. Sleep was often something that came easily to me, but I had so much going on right now that I was finding it difficult to fall asleep. My father just popped back into my life and I still had not talked to him and the last game of the season was two days away. On top of that, I was ashamed to say that a certain tall, handsome, dark-haired boy was also keeping me up. It was not like me to think about a boy that much, but I was thinking about CJ. He made me happy which one day I was sure would be my downfall, I knew, in the end, I would end up getting my feelings hurt. I sighed and turned again hoping my brain would let me sleep.

I heard my phone vibrate from my nightstand indicating a text message. I wondered who would be texting, it was midnight. I picked it up and quickly turned down the brightness, my eyes even watered due to the light. It was a text from CJ, it was not like him to text him in the middle of the night. But then again, I was still learning new things about him every day. I opened the text to see what he wanted.

Christopher James: You up?

What did he mean by you up? Of course, I was up.

Me: Yes

I put the phone down again and stared at the ceiling, I rushed and picked up the phone when I heard the phone vibrate again. Yes, something was certainly wrong with me.

Christopher James: Come outside...

I thought about it for a while, only a crazy person would walk outside simply because a guy told them to. But I was a crazy person, I got up my bed and walked into my closet grabbing a jacket. I knew it would be a bit chilly outside. I only had my shorts and sports bra on, I put the jacket over it and zipped up. I grabbed my phone and sneaked out of the room quietly. I tippy-toed down the stairs so my mom would not hear me. I then opened the front door quietly and closed it. 

The cold breeze hit my face, "you came," I turned around to see CJ sitting on my porch. 

"Yeah, kind of ordered me to," I joked. He chuckled. 

"Let me take you somewhere," he told me. I nodded my head not even questioning where he would be taking me. He grabbed my hand and we walked to his house. He opened his car door for me and I hoped on, he then walked to the driver's side. It felt good seeing him although we were just together a few hours earlier at school. I wondered why he was not sleeping, he should be tired because he was also working today.

Sometimes I wondered how he does it, go to school and work at the same time while getting good grades also. The car moving bought me back to earth, "You want something to eat?" He questioned me. I nodded my head, my fat ass was always hungry and always wanted something to eat. "What do you want to eat?"

"Chicken nuggets would be fine," I told him. He chuckled and continued to drive. He turned into a twenty-four hours McDonald's and drove into the drive-thru. I was surprised to see that there were other people there as well. When it was finally our time, he asked for my order and I told him. I ordered some nuggets and a milkshake and of course, he just ordered something to drink. Soon enough we were out of there and he made his way to the place he originally wanted to take me.

He drove and drove, when it was about twenty minutes later, he turned to the place where I was sure our destination would be met. He continued to drive some more, the light showed that the place was a dead end. When we got closer, I noticed it was a cliff, "woah," I told him. He did not look like he was stopping anytime soon.

"Chill," he told me. Of course, I told my mind to do so, but my heart continued to beat a million beats a second. He then suddenly stopped, "see I am not going to kill you," he turned the engine off and pulled the key out of the ignition. "Why do people always think I am trying to kill them?" He asked me. 

"I don't know," I answered even though I knew the full answer. He had a tendency of scaring me with the things he did. First the forest and now this, he opened his car door and I did the same also making sure to take my milkshake. The drive was so long that I had finished my nuggets a long time ago. Tonight was a beautiful night, the stars were out and there was a nice cold breeze. The place was quiet, "why'd you take me here?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he shrugged his shoulders, he took a seat on the hood of his car. "Come sit," he told me. I quickly took a seat also, "you noticed that you don't hear the noise of the cars or sirens?" He asked me, "it's silence," he added.

"If you want silence, I was probably the wrong person to bring here. I talk a lot."

"Really?" He asked sarcastically, "I hadn't noticed," I took a sip of my milkshake nodding my head. "I hate school," he told me out of nowhere. I was surprised to hear him say something like that, "when I was a kid, I only went because it was required. I swore the moment I turned sixteen, I was going to drop out. But then, my mom got sick and I guess I went to school because I knew I would make her proud and if I ever wanted to take care of her right one day I would have to have an education of some sort," I nodded my head.

"So every morning, I would wake up and drag myself to this miserable place and nothing would make me happier than when I heard the last bell of the day, it still makes me happy, but something changed. Is it weird that I look forward to going to school because I know you will be there?" He turned and asked me. I started laughing, "it's a serious question," he said. "Because I dead ass want to know why you make me like something I used to hate and why seeing you brings me joy, I hate seeing people. And why won't you stay out of my mind?"

I looked at his face in the dark, only the moon was lighting up the place a bit. My heart literally just melted, I felt like crying. Crying not because I was sad, but because I was happy. Happy to know he felt this way about me and happy to know I was not the only one going crazy. "I don't know," I gave him an answer. "You're the smart one, shouldn't you know the answer to that?" I asked him.

"My knowledge is limited when it comes to the affair of the heart. I might not know all, but I do know that you ignite a feeling in me I have never felt before despite how much I tell myself I can't feel this way towards you, Bianca. You deserve so much better and so much more than me and I-I-"

"You are so much more than what I deserve," I told him. I reached over and passed my hand through his dark hair, I pecked his lips gently.

He pulled away looking into my eyes and caressing my cheeks, "be my girlfriend," he whispered to me. I smiled and nodded my head, nothing would ever make me happier. He smiled and smacked his lips against mine, we kissed deeply our tongues fighting for dominance. 

He then pushed my body gently against the hood of the car, he removed his lips from mine and placed kisses down my neck. With one hand he unzipped my jacket leaving me only in my sports bra. He grabbed one of my breasts squeezing it as he continued to place kisses on my neck. As he got lower, my phone vibrated inside my pockets, "give me a minute," I told him. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from my mom that did not look too nice. "I have to get home," I told him. He nodded his head and got off the hood of the car grabbing my hand also. 

We then made our way home, this would've surely been the best night ever if my mom hadn't interrupted; however, it was still amazing. 

His Savior ✔️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن