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I pulled out a campus map I had to get from the office to see if I could find my way to the cafeteria. This school was certainly structured differently than most of the ones I had been to. Students passed me giggling and talking as some walked to class and some to lunch. "Loss?" A voice asked behind me. I turned to see Justin from my AP Calculus class; the teacher meant it when she said I would be hearing his voice a lot. He was the class clown, he spent the whole time getting the class to laugh and distracting them from the lesson. 

I found myself laughing at some of his jokes, "what does it look like?" I asked him. He chuckled, I looked at his dark hair which was gelled down perfectly. He had blue eyes in addition to his squared face. He was handsome, he had a beautiful smile also. I could see why he was flirting with all the girls in class and they were all giggling like stupid idiots. 

"I have lunch also, I'll show you the way to the cafeteria," he said starting to walk. I walked with him also, we walked for a while until I spotted two big doors coming into view. Students were rushing inside. We entered, the cafeteria was packed, some sitting talking to friends while others are getting their lunch. 

"Thank you," I told Justin. He nodded his head and then disappeared into the crowd to who knows where. I had brought a bag of chips in my bag, with all my time traveling, one thing I learned was that school lunch was always bad. I walked down the place to see if I could find a table to sit. An empty table would be best, but I could see that it wasn't possible since all the tables were occupied.

"Bianca," I heard my voice being called. I ignored it because not many people knew my name, it was my first day after all. There might be another Bianca here. "Bianca," I heard again. I turned around to see Allison, the escort, calling me. "Come sit with us," she said. She was with two other girls. I immediately did not like the view, she might be one of the girls with musketeers who just follow her around. 

I sighed, it was my first day I needed a place to sit so I walked to her table and took a seat across from her. "How's it going so far?" She asked, "I saw you with my brother," she added. 

"It's fine," I said. Everyone has been so welcoming plus I've had enough days as the new girl to know how to deal with it. "Justin's your brother?" I asked her. She nodded her head. They did have the same hair color, but they had limited resemblance after that. 

"Oh, these are my friends," she said pointing at the two girls. "This is Carrie and Hanna," I smiled at both of the girls. They gave me a smile also and went back to eating their foods. I took out my Takis to eat, I was hungry. "You know these things are unhealthy, right?" Allison asked. I didn't even open the bag yet, I mentally rolled my eyes and opened it taking putting one of them in my mouth.

"A lot of things are," I replied. I already knew I wouldn't like her. She was one of those healthy bitches, I didn't have time for that. 

"Any activities or clubs you want to join?" She asked me looking up from her tray. I looked around, I was lazy, but I had to do something this year. I decided I was going to join the Girls' soccer team. 

"Soccer," I answered her. "Do you know where I can register or something?" I asked her. 

"Yes," she replied. "You have to go to the coach's office. Room 123 by the gym," she said. I nodded my head. I already knew where the gym was, it was so big you couldn't miss it. After school, I planned on going to talk to him or her. We sat in silence eating, unlike some of the girls like Allison; she wasn't much of a talker. She just ate and scrolled on her phone letting out the usual groan. After a few minutes, the bell rung indicating it was time for my next class: Physics. "Have fun," Allison said as we got up from the table. I nodded my head and made my way to my class.

I wouldn't get lost, all I had to was find the Science hallway. Thank goodness, it was not so far away. I reached the hallway and looked at the door for my teacher's name: Mr. Reagan. I found his door and stood there waiting for him to open up. After a few seconds, he did. "You must be the new student," he commented opening the door letting me in. 

"Yes,"I replied. I stood inside the big classroom. It looked like the students sat in pairs also. The walls were filled with science formulas and laws with theories. The older man went and took a seat at his desk looking through some papers until he found what he was looking for. 

"Well hello Bianca, I'm Mr. Reagan and I look forward to having you in my class," he said. I nodded my head, "um... I believe seat three is available," I nodded my head and walked to the third seat. I sat there in silence until students started arriving taking their seats respectively. Some stared at me wondering who was the new student, nothing I wasn't used to. Everyone seemed to be here when the bell rung except the person who would be my seat partner. "Good afternoon class," Mr. Reagan said. 

The students started chatting unable to calm down, "I know y'all just ate lunch but please shut up," wow, I looked at him surprise of his language. What was with teachers here? They all seemed to be carefree and said whatever they wanted. A few of the students chuckled and the class with silent. The door opened, I guess that was my seat partner. I looked towards the door, it was my so-called neighbor, the one who practically ignored me in AP Calculus. 

I was once again stuck with the same partner. I huffed, "Mr. Wright, you're late," the teacher said. Wright was his last name, I guessed that was progress. He didn't answer the teacher and just took a seat. "Detention after school," the teacher smiled as if it wasn't a big deal. 

"I can't come," he answered. His voice was low only for the teacher to hear. 

"Well," the teacher started. He looked up, the teacher stared into his eyes and shook his head. "I'll let it pass this time, take your hoodie off," he told him. He looked around and took his hoodie off. "So much better," I looked at his dark hair as he passed his hands through it. "Guys we have a new student, this is Bianca," he pointed at me. "Bianca this is everyone else, you'll learn their annoying names eventually," he said. I nodded my head. "Take out your books, open it to page 56 and complete the exercise with your partners," he then took a seat.

I reached and grabbed the book that was just sitting beside the desk, I opened the book to the page to see what the exercise what about. "Do the teachers around here just let you skip detention?" I asked Mr. Wright, he turned slightly and looked at me. "What do you have to do, suck their dick or something?" I questioned. His eyes dilated and he huffed opening his book also. "Wright is your last name, what's your first name?" I asked him. 

"Why don't you just shut up?" He asked me, "we don't have to talk, let's just get into the exercise," I felt embarrassed slightly. No one has ever told me to shut up like he did. I nodded my head slightly and took out something to write with to start the exercise. I looked over at him as he just wrote things down, he seemed to have walls around him that reached the sun. I would make it my job to bring them down. 

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