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"I can't believe you guys actually been here all week," I said followed by a yawn. I was tired not only because my family was driving me crazy, but because they were keeping me from sleeping also. Charles, Charlene, and John have been in the city every since graduation and it has been a whole week. I was getting tired of them real fast. 

"Because we just met you and you are already leaving," Charlene said. I gave her an apologetic look. I was officially leaving for California tomorrow. The day seemed to come quick, I wanted to be excited. This is what I always wanted right? I would get to travel the world as I play my favorite sport, but it was not just that simple anymore. I was going to miss my new found family, my mom, and the new friends I had a chance to make while in Alabama. For the first time in my life, I had something I cared about. My mom offered to move with me to California, but I told her no.

She was making real progress here with her research and I did not want her to give that up for me. "Anyways, I have to get going," John said getting up from the sofa where he was sitting. John was only in the city for his business, but Charles and Charlene were specifically here to bother me. "I will see you tomorrow, kiddo," he said patting my head gently. I smiled, no one has called me kiddo since I was like six years old. My mom knew me very well and she knew what I was capable of; she no longer saw me as the little kid I used to be so some part of me was happy knowing he saw me like that. It just proved I had not disappointed him yet which would come sooner than later. 

John exited the house, I got up also tired from the long day. We played soccer, went shopping, packed my bags, and binged watched Netflix. "I'm going to bed," I told them both. The house was technically theirs since they had been here for so long and my mom was kind enough to let them stay here. They both nodded their heads and I dragged myself up the stairs to my room. I stripped my clothes off and stayed with nothing, but my shorts and sports bra. I yawned again and dropped myself on the bed; before I knew it I was fast asleep. 

"Bianca, Bianca," I heard my name being called in a distant. I turned and ignored the voice. "Bianca," I heard again. I startled and quickly sat up on my bed. I was disoriented not knowing what was going on. A small rock hit my window, that's when I realized the voice was coming from outside. I turned the light on and walked to the window, I moved the curtain and opened the window looking below. 

I looked below to see CJ standing on my grass, what was he doing here? I groaned, "CJ, get off my grass," I told him. "And it's late, what are you doing here?" I asked him. 

"You're leaving in a few hours and I just had to see you," he replied. I huffed shaking my head. He had to come in the middle of the night. "Just come down," he told me. What hurt me was the fact that no part of me hesitated on coming down to see him. All logical reasons pointed towards no, it was the middle of the night, last time we did that it did not end well, and let's not forget the elephant in the room, he broke my heart. 

"Give me a sec," I told him. From the dark, I could see him nod his head. I closed the window back and took a deep breath. I threw some clothes on and grabbed my phone. It was two in the morning, but what the heck. I tippy-toed out of the house and walked to my backyard.

"Thought you wouldn't come," he told me. 

"You can't keep doing that CJ, it's late and someone could have shot you. You do not sneak into someone's backyard in the middle of the night," I shook my head of why he could be so stupid about it, but then I realized something. He was white, of course, he did not think about these things. A black guy would never do that knowing he could get shot for simply being black. It was the first time I ever compared our race like that and it said a lot about our relationship.

"I doubt it, I've lived here all my life until recently and you do not own a gun, do you?" He asked me, I shook my head no. I might not have one, but my mom did have one and she would not be afraid to shoot anything she sees in the dark. 

"What do you want?" I questioned him for the second time. 

"I already told you, let's go somewhere with me," he said.

"Last time that did not end well," I told him.

"Well, this isn't last time," he told me. I nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. I put my seatbelt on and watched as he took a seat on the driver's side. I did not bother asking him where he was taking me and he did not bother telling me. The ride was silent, I turned occasionally looking at him. His eyes caught mine and his eyes said a billion things. He sighed and turned his focus back to the road. 

He parked the car, I looked outside to see where he had taken me. He was right, this was not like last time, we were still in the city. I got out of the car, we were in an apartment complex. I raised my eyebrow questioning why he brought me here.  "I want to show you the city before you leave," he told me. I did not understand what that meant. He took my hand and led me to the ladder, I wanted to protest about going up there but what's the harm? He let me go first guiding my feet so I do not fall. It was a three-story building so before I knew it I was up on the roof. 

CJ quickly followed me also, "look," he told me pointing out. The lights and the whole city could be seen from up here despite how low it was. On top of that, I was still able to see the stars as they brightened the night sky. "This is Daphne, Alabama," he told me. He was standing behind me, I could feel his warmth, I missed him and I could not believe I was about to leave. A cold breeze passed and I shivered. He put his hands on both of my arms warming me up. I pulled away turning around and looking at him. 

"Why are you doing this now, CJ?" I asked him, "I'm leaving soon and you can't just-"

"I would never ask you to stay, Bianca. I'm happy for you and I mean it. Besides I don't think I deserve your sacrifice, I ruined something good we had simply because-"

"Take me home please," I told him cutting him off. A tear fell down my face and I wiped it off. He shook his head. 

"Whatever you say," he told me. "Precious," he added after a while. I opened my mouth to say something, but I shut up. He came closer to me and looked into my eyes. He leaned down, I thought he was going to kiss me, but he placed a kiss on my cheek instead. "I'll miss you," he whispered to me. He pulled away slowly, I put my head down then a part of me just wanted to fuck it all. I looked back up at him and kissed his lips, he then smacked his lips on mine pulling closer to him by my waist. One of his hand was behind my head as he kissed me with every breath he had. 

When he pulled away, we were both at of breath, but he did not bother stopping. He moved my braids behind my ears and attacked my neck. His hand found its way to my ass and he squeezed it. He moved his hands to my hips placing both of them there, he then pulled away from me looking into my eyes. "We should not be doing this, come on, I'll take you home," he said. He was about to remove his hands from me but I grabbed him. 

"Don't start something you won't finish," I told him, "that's not what a gentleman would do," I added. He chuckled shaking his head. 

"I'll have you know I am a gentleman," he replied.

"Then prove it," I challenged him. He licked his pink lips and looked around. 

"You have no idea how much I want to prove it to you," he told me. He unzipped my jacket slowly revealing my sports bra. He was fast to take off my jacket and throw it somewhere. He pulled me closer to him taking off my bra, he cupped one of my breasts as he sucked on the other. As he did this, his free hand roamed my body and attempted to unzip my pants. When he could not, he pulled away and focused on that. He stopped and looked at me. "I don't have a condom on me," he informed me. 

"It's fine," I said, "I trust you."

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