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I only waited to come to see you until now because I was hoping you would have changed your mind by now about leaving. If you are reading this now, I guess you did not change your mind. I just want you to know you will be great at whatever your next chapter in life will bring you because you're Bianca. I cannot wait to watch all your games as you kick ass on the field.

I was afraid to tell you this because I end up losing everyone around me. But, what the heck? I love you, Precious, thank you so much for coming into my life. I lost my mom this year, but somehow you still made it the best year of my life.

Anyways, it does not matter. Bye and enjoy the next chapter because life is short.


Christopher James 

I stared at the letter not believing what I just read. He has never told me he loved me before. Somehow, the three-lettered words switched something in me, it was as if a part of me was yearning to hear him say it. He was obfuscating me further than I had already been, I had no idea what I wanted to do now. "Biana, open this door now!" My mom yelled on the other side of the door. I guess she had not calmed down.

She continued to yell for me to open the door, I sighed and got up opening the door. "I don't know what you are thinking, just because you are eighteen does not mean you are suddenly an adult. Stop acting like a child and what have I told you about sneaking out at night?" She did not even give me a chance to answer her.

"I'm sorry," I told her. "I shouldn't have gotten out last night and sorry for yelling at you. I was just angry and I guess I passed it on to you," I told her. She was about to say something, but I gave her a sad face. She sighed and rubbed her hand on my cheeks.

"Why were you angry?" She asked me, "and what's this?" She removed her hand and grabbed the letter I was still holding unto.

"CJ and I got into a fight, it was kind of stupid. I don't know why I care," I said. "And it's from him," I said pointing at the letter she was now reading. I could see where I got my nosiness from, she was already reading the letter like it was hers. 

"That's so sweet," she said with a smile. "Why the long face?"

"Because he's confusing me, mom," I groaned that she did not understand that. "He told me he loved me."

"And?" She questioned me. "I sure hope a guy telling you they love you isn't driving you crazy. I raised you better than that, I love you and don't do anything crazy because he told you that," I sighed. She was right, I had to calm down. 

"But," I started, my mom looked at me. "What if I love him?" I asked her. I did love him, he made me happy. Even though our meeting last night did not end on good terms, I was still happy to see him. I would go through a thousand more arguments if it meant I could see his face again. 

"Then you love him, honey. What do you want me to tell you?" She asked me, "you are not a little kid, you know how you feel and I cannot tell you what to do."

"The moment I need you to?" I asked her with a frown. She shook her head no, she sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I don't think I want to leave, mom," I said. She quickly pulled away and looked at me. 

"Bianca, you need to think this through. This is your future you are talking about and you cannot give it all up for just some boy," she told me.

"But you told me I can make my own decisions and he is not just some boy, mom. He's CJ, when I am with him I'm happy, he makes me feel safe, and he makes me feel like I am the only girl that exist."

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