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"Not my taste, but I guess it'll have to do," I said to Justin as we sat at a restaurant. I have to admit, it was a nice place. I could tell he was trying to make my bougie ass happy, but I would try anything to show him we could not be together. I have to admit, he was a gentleman, a little too much for me. 

"What's your taste?" He asked me, " McDonald's?" He questioned. I chuckled, "I know what you're doing, trying to give me a hard time. Well, I can handle it," he said. I huffed and continued to look through the menu. 

"Do they even season their food?" I asked him. 

"I would hope so," he said putting his menu down, "try the steak, it's really good," he suggested. I nodded my head since I actually did know what to pick and I wanted to try something I did not usually eat. I never really liked steak for many reason, "oh hell no," he said. I looked up to see why the language. I looked up and see him looking at our waiter, it was CJ. He rolled his eyes at Justin and looked over at me. I gave him a smile, but he did not return it. I felt a little embarrassed, "well are you going to do our job and get us our food?" Justin asked. 

"Justin, you didn't order yet," I reminded him. 

"Well, okay," he said. "Get me some steak with white rice, same for her," Justin turned and looked at me and I nodded my head. He sighed and turned around to get our order. I looked over at Justin, I didn't know why he was being so mean to CJ.

"You don't have to be so rude," I told him. Justin ignored me and looked around the restaurant. Within minutes, CJ came back with our food. We sat in silence as we ate and I finally learned what I hated about him. He treated people like trash.


"Oh, you meant this early?" I asked CJ who was standing at my door. I stood in front of the door in my pajamas, my head was wrapped in a scarf and I'm sure my face looked a mess. He stood at the opposite side of the door in jeans and unlike during the weekdays, he was in a shirt instead of a hoodie. I thought when he said Saturday morning, he means around midday or something. It was only eight in the morning. 

"Yes," he replied. "I have work in about three hours," he said. 

"Oh," I said opening the door wider, "come in," I said yawning. He entered the house and stood in the corridor, I closed the door behind him. Our house was not homey like most houses since we moved a lot. "Just have a seat," I said walking him to the living room, he took a seat on one of the sofas. "I'm gonna clean up, make yourself at home, just don't touch anything, my mom hates that," I said. That's why I did not like bringing people home, my mom hated people seeing her house and she hated people touching her things. 

I walked upstairs to my room and got out of pajamas, I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I then put some clean clothes and put my hair in a bun. After about twenty minutes, I was ready to go back down the stairs. I skipped down the stairs, I found him sitting where I had left him. "Sorry I took so long," I said. He looked up at me and shook his head. I grabbed my book bag and took out the things I would need. "I'm hungry and I can't learn on an empty stomach, do you want something to eat?" I asked him. He shook his no, "whatever you say," I said. 

I walked to the kitchen pouring myself some milk in a bowl, I then took the box of cereal I had to go buy by myself since my mom wanted to be mean and walked back into the living room. I took a seat on the opposite sofa and poured the cereal into the bowl and I took a spoonful. "You know the proper way to do it is putting the cereal first, right?" He asked. 

I looked up at him and shook my head, I chewed down and finally spoke, "it's still cereal," I said. "I'm sorry about Justin yesterday," I apologized. "He's well, he's Justin," I said. 

"So, are you guys dating?" He asked, I looked up at him. I never expected him to ask that and I was confused as to why he even cared. I shook my head, I continued to eat my cereal. Just then I heard footsteps coming closer to the living room. 

"Bianca, why are you up so early?" I heard my mom ask from the other room. "Did I tell you about my date yesterday, this man was expecting me to sleep with him. What's wrong with men these days?" She asked, "I guess I'll keep using my little vibrator until God sends me the one," I nearly choked on my cereal. CJ looked disturbed, my mom then walked into the living room seeing me sitting there. She looked over at CJ and tried to remain calm. "We have a guest," she said between her teeth. 

"Yes," I quickly got up my seat, "this is CJ, he lives next door. Remember how I failed my Calculus tests?" I asked, she nodded her head. "He's helping me study," I said. She nodded her head, I held onto her arm and tried to tell her to stay calm. 

"Hi," she said to CJ, "I'm Patricia," she said with a smile. "Thanks for helping my baby, she's not the brightest," she joked.

"Mom," I groaned. 

"Nice to meet you, wait Patricia?" CJ asked getting up from the sofa. "Dr. Patricia Jackson?" He asked. My mom nodded my head, "I've read like all your books, you're awesome," he said. Oh, of course, he was a fan of my mother, he was a nerd. 

"Really?" My mom asked with a smile. "Which ones did you like?"

"Your series about the environment on mental illnesses," he answered. 

"Oh," my mom said. "Were you reading it for a class or-"

"No, personal reasons," he answered. 

"You hear that honey, he reads scientific journals for personal reasons, you should do that more," my mom said. 

"Yes, I will," I lied. "But ma, please out," I said pointing out the living room. "We have to study," I added pushing her out. 

"It's my house too," my mom groaned. 

"Love you!" I yelled at her the moment she was gone. I took a seat on the sofa again and started to eat my cereal again. 

"We should get to work," he said. I nodded my head and took out my book. 

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