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I quickly opened up my eyes to see the sun beaming through my window. I turned and groaned trying to get away from the bright light. I quickly opened my eyes again when I realized today was a school day and I was going to be late. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and I was right, I had ten minutes to be in class or I was going to be late.

I couldn't afford to miss any days of school since I was still behind. I jumped off the bed and stripped my pajamas off. After I ran to the bathroom to take care of my hygienes needs, I took a quick shower. By the time, I was done getting dress and getting inside my car, I was already late for ten minutes. 

I could still make it to AP Calculus. I sped my way to the school, in five minutes I was there. The hallways were silent as I ran to my class. When I reached in front of the class I slowed down and took deep breaths trying to calm down. I looked at my hair and made sure I looked fine. 

I sighed and opened the door, everyone turned to look at me as I entered the room quietly. They had their books out and Ms. Brun had some sort of PowerPoint open. "I'm so sorry I'm late," I said looking around. 

"Please take a seat," she said. "I'll see you in detention after school," I nodded my head. It seemed fair since I did show up to her class about fifteen minutes late. As I walked to my seat I noticed Mr. Wright wasn't here, I guess he was taking a day off. I took a seat and grabbed my book to take notes also. She continued on talking and going through the PowerPoint, the door opened again. "You got to be kidding me," she said as she paused the slideshow. 

There came my seat partner, he had on a hoodie as usual with black jeans this time. I was starting to think that jeans with hoodies were his style. "Sorry Ms. Brun," he murmured as he took a seat. 

"Yeah, it's fine," she said. She played the PowerPoint, I looked at her. Was she serious, I got detention and he did not. Oh, I was not going to tolerate this. I raised my hand, she took a while to notice me. She paused the slideshow again and gestured for me to ask my question. 

"I was late and I received detention," I said. She nodded her head, "Mr. Wright was also late," I said. 

"Yeah?" She asked still not getting my point. 

"Why didn't he receive detention?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders, "that is discrimination, is it because I'm black?" I questioned. "The white and black kid do the same thing, but only the black kid gets punish," I was now standing up from my seat. I was getting mad that no one seemed to notice and they did not think it was a big deal. 

"Bianca, this has nothing to do with your skin color," she tried to calm me down. 

"I want Mr. Wright to suffer the same consequence as me for his lateness or I will have to talk to someone on how we are not treated equally in this class," I crossed my hand over my chest. She was unable to speak. I looked around, I was one of two black kids in the class. 

"Trust me, Bianca, it has nothing to do with your skin color," Justin said this time. I turned and looked at him, "teachers here are just afraid to punish him, he might commit suicide," he said rolling his eyes at Mr. Wright. I furrowed my eyebrows, was he serious? I quietly sat down in case this was true. I looked over at him and his head was down. 

"CJ, I will see you in detention after school, you can thank your seat partner," she said. CJ? I guess that was his name. I never pictured him to be a CJ, he looked more like a Sam or something simple. "AP exams are in seven months, we do not have time for the foolishness, let's get back to work," she said starting back to the slideshow. I couldn't help but feel guilty for getting him detention. I doubt he would actually kill himself for getting detention though. 


I walked lazily to Ms. Brun's class. I had to spend one hour here, I was hungry and wanted to get home. Her door was open and I walked in taking a seat. She was seated on her desk her glasses on looking through the papers we had turned in today. After a few minutes, CJ also walked in taking a seat across from me. "Glad you guys can join me," she said looking up at us. 

"Mr. C, Ms. Brun, and Ms. Meloni, you are needed in the conference room for a parent-teacher conference," I heard the speaker in the room said. She got up from her seat and shook her head. 

"I almost forgot about that," I watched as she gathered a few papers putting it in her briefcase. "This is High School, I do not know why people still have parent-teacher conferences," she added. 

"Some people in High School act worse than first graders," I told her. 

"Ain't no lie in that," she said. "I'll be back, work on your homework," she said. I nodded my head and she left the classroom. The room the went quiet, I was bored. I took out my phone but there was no one to annoy and there was nothing fun on the internet. I guess I had to work on my homework. I dug through my bag and took out the things I would need. 

I opened my book and started on some of my homework. I turned to look at CJ, he was also doing his homework. "Is it true?" I asked him. He looked up at me raising his eyebrow. "Are you going to kill yourself because you got punished?" He shook his head no. "Yeah, I thought so too. That would be stupid honestly. You know some people will think you're a serial killer when you always cover your head. You should show your hair more, you have beautiful hair. Unless you are a serial killer, then I-"

"Do you ever just shut up?" He asked me. I froze at the way he asked his question. If it was anyone else I would have jumped them and slapped them right now. "Now would be a good time," he added. 

"A good time, for what?" I questioned. 

"To shut up," he replied. 

His Savior ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt