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"Hello, guess who?" I asked standing behind CJ blocking his eyes. 

"Bianca," he replied. I thought it would take a while for him to get to the person, I frowned taking a seat on the tip of the table in the cafeteria. "You are the only one that would do something like this," he added. I nodded my head completely understanding, "what's up?" He asked. I had to leave with Justin for lunch soon anyways.

"So," I said. I paused and dug into my bag pulling out the glasses I had bought for him over the weekend. It took a while since we had to force the doctor to give me the new glasses without contacting him. However, there is nothing the woman I get to call my mother cannot accomplish. "Here," I handed it to him. He took it from my hands it looked at it weird, "it's glasses since yours broke yours," I told him.

"Bianca, I can't accept this, thank you though," he said trying to give it back. I shook my head no pushing it back to him. "I can't," he told me again. 

"You have to," I blurted out, he raised his eyebrow again, "my mom got them for you," that was not a complete lie. She did call her friend to help.

"Why did your mom by me glasses?" He asked looking at me.

"I mentioned that yours broke and she bought it for you as a gift. She wanted to thank you for reading her boring books and for tutoring her dumb daughter," I lied, but it sounded like something my mom would do, but she would never admit her books are boring. I doubt they are boring though, I have never read one of them mostly because I am not interested in science or anything related to it. "And you have to accept them because my mom becomes angry when she doesn't get her way. You don't want to make my mother angry, do you?" I asked pouting my lips.

"No," he said awkwardly, "tell her thank you," he said. 

"Try them on," I ordered. He opened them up and put it on. They looked good, they were the same as his old ones, of course, they did. "They look good," I told him, "anyways, since you help me with AP Calculus, I want to do you a favor. You're good at math and I'm good at manipulating people, so I am going to help you get a date with Allison," I said proudly.

"Um..." he said, "thank you, but please do not do that," he pleaded.

"Silly," I smiled, "you'll thank me later, soon you guys will be the goal couple. All I ask in return is an invitation to the real wedding," I said. 

"You're not letting it go, are you?" He asked. I shook my head no, "shouldn't have told you," he murmured under his breath. 

"You'll be glad you did soon," I said. Just then a boy walked up to him taking a seat across from him. They always sit together except I did not know his name. He gave me a quick smile and looked over at CJ raising his eyebrow.

"Oh," CJ said, "Bianca this is Connor and Connor this is Bianca," I gave him a quick wave. 

"Nice to meet you, Connor, I have to go, see you in Physics Christopher James," I said getting up. I could hear him groan as I walked away. I smiled and made my way out to the student parking lot. Justin was standing by his car waiting for me, this was different today though, Allison was here.

"What took you so long?" He questioned as I reached the car.

"Had to take care of something," I told him.

"Hope you don't mind, but Allison is coming with us. She's hungry," he said rolling his eyes. 

"Who do you think you're rolling your eyes at?" She asked him.

"You, who else?" He asked sarcastically, "now get in the car or I will not feed you," he said. She rolled her eyes also and entered the car. I smiled and entered the back seat, Justin entered the driver's side and off we went. 

"So," Allison started turning around and looking at me. "Do you like our school so far?" I nodded my head. "Yeah," she said, "it's a great school, it just lacks cute boys, after that it's great."

"I'm cute," Justin said. 

"No you're not idiot," Allison snapped back.

"I think the boys here are fine," I said, this was my chance to ask her if she would even consider the possibility. "Doesn't your boyfriend go here?" I questioned.

"No, he goes to Northeast," she said referring to another nearby high school.

"Don't you wish he went to the same school as you though?" I asked. "For all you know he could be fucking some perky cheerleader over there," my mouth was going to get me into some big trouble one day. She chuckled and shook her head. 

"You're right, maybe I'd like a boy that goes to the same school as me, but have you seen the boys here?" She asked. 

"There are some good boys," I said.

"Like who?" She questioned.

I paused thinking about some of the decent looking boys that go to our school. There was a bunch of them, but the good ones were taken. "Caleb," I said, he had a class with me. He was cute and he seemed like a down to earth person.

"I hear he peed in his bed until he was fifteen," she said, I could not help it but let out a small laughter.


"He's gay," she said. "I hear they caught one of the football players hitting him from behind in the locker room," she created some type of vivid image that I now wanted to get out of my head. 


"He has a girlfriend that goes to Northeast," she said. 

"Wow," I said. She was right, it was hard to find a boy that goes to the same school and that was decent. I sighed and finally decided to bring out the same. She could not possibly have a good excuse for why she would not date him. "What about CJ?" I questioned, "he's smart, cute, and I do not think he peed his bed until he was fifteen."

"CJ?" She asked, "I don't know, I never thought of him like that. But no, he's like my brother, we used to play together as children," she said.

"And there is no way in hell my baby sister is dating him," Justin finally said. 

"Hey!" Allison yelled, "you're only older by five minutes," she smacked her hand against his head and they started arguing about it. 

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