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Hi, you've reached Dr. Patricia Jackson, I am not able to come to the telephone at this moment, please leave your name, number, and a brief message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I listened to my mother's voicemail waiting for the beep to leave my message. "Hey mom, it's me, your favorite and only daughter," I joked. "Anyways, I'll be home late, I'm joining the soccer team, I love you and you rock," I hung up the phone and entered room 123 where the coach was. 

The woman who looked in her thirties looked up at me with a bright smile. "Good afternoon, I'm Bianca, I was told you are the coach of the girl's soccer team," I said to her. She gestured for me to take a seat on the chair across from her and I did so. 

"Yes, I am the coach," she said raising her hand up. "I am coach Riley," she handed me her hand to shake and I did so. "It's nice to meet you, Bianca, have you ever played before?" She questioned. 

"Yes, but I stopped playing for about two years, so I might be a little rusty," she chuckled and passed her hands in the air. 

"The season doesn't start until November, we have three months to prep you. Let me just give you the medical forms," she reached in her desk grabbing a packet. "Offseason practice will begin next week in order to participate, you will need to have your physical. Just a checkup to make sure you are healthy and ready to kick some balls," she said excitedly. 

"Okay," I said. I grabbed the packet from her and scanned it. A few pages were for my doctor to sign, a few for my mom, and a few for me. "Will that be all?" I asked her. 

"All you need for right now," she said. I got up from my sea grabbing my bag. "It was nice meeting you Bianca and I hope to see you on Monday," I nodded my head. 

"Have a good day mam," I told her before exiting the room. I sighed, well it did not take that long. I looked down at the time on my phone. It was early, my mom probably was not even home yet. 

"Look who it is," I heard Justin say behind me. I turned and there he was standing, was he stalking me? He just happened to see me around, "how was your first day?" He asked me. 

"Good," I answered. The school did not seem so bad. Everyone here was nice to me so far except for Mr. Wright. He might have his own problems though to be that rude and mean. The only other problem I had was the fact that I had to pick a school before the semester ended and I had no idea what school I wanted to go to and what I wanted to do with my life. "What University are you going to?" I asked Justin. 

"University?" He questioned. "That's a weird question to ask, but I got accepted to Brown and NYU, now I just have to decide," he answered. 

"Brown," I asked. He nodded his head. I did not see him as an Ivy League type of student. He was the class clown, but then he was taking an AP course. "Didn't take you for a Brown student," I said what was on my mind. 

"I'm not," he answered. "I'm not sure college is even for me," he admitted. "But when your dad is the principal, you kind of have to pick one," he added. 

"Oh," I said. I knew the principal was related to Allison. 

"Planning on playing soccer," he commented. I nodded my head, "well I guess I'll be seeing you from now on," he said. 

"You play?" I asked him. He shook his head no, "what do you do?" I asked him. 

"Assistant coach to both the girl's and boy's soccer team," he replied. 

"You know what they say, those who can't play, coach," I joked. He chuckled shaking his head. "Well, it was nice to meet you, I got to get going now," I said. I was behind the other kids and I thought it would be best to go home and try to catch up or something. The teachers said they wouldn't grade me for the work I missed but I was clueless in AP Calculus today. 

"Yeah, you too," he said. "Maybe I can show you around sometimes," he said. I chuckled and shook my head no. It always starts with showing around then we will become friends then I will grow too attached to him. 

"That's what Google's for," I said raising up my phone. "All I have to say is show me restaurants near me," I said. 

"I'm pretty sure Google does not know everything about this town. I grew up here, I know the good places. We can get a bite to eat at the best Diner and we-" I cut him off before he has a chance to continue. 

"Are you asking me out, Mr. Thompson?" I questioned crossing my hands over my chest. He put his head down out of slight embarrassment. His cheeks were now rose, that's how much he was blushing. He looked up to see me staring into his eyes, he obviously thought I was attracted. "Two weeks," I said. 

"Two weeks, what?" He asked. 

"You would take me out for two weeks then get what you want."

"What do I want?" He inquired. 

"Sex, what else?" I asked sarcastically. "You know nothing about me, so you obviously just like my physical appearance. I'm a bitch, arrogant, selfish," I started. "You don't want to date me and you do not have to date me to sleep with me."

"I-I wasn't try-"

"Are you saying you don't want to sleep with me?" I asked. 

"Yes, but I-"

"Mhmm, country boys," I laughed. "I don't date," I smirked and left. I could feel him staring at me as I walked away so I gave him something to look at. I reached the student's parking lot and hopped on my car to drive home. After about five minutes I did reach home. My mom's car was in the driveway, she might've just gotten home from the office. I looked across my house at Mr. Wright's house.  I wonder if he was home, maybe he could help me with Calculus. I shook my head, he would never help me. 

I sighed and went into my house. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I closed the door. 

"I'm in the lab!" She yelled back. I put my book bag down on the sofa and went into her lab. She was looking into a microscope glass when I entered. I sat down on her sofa and watched she brought her head up and wrote stuff down on a piece of paper. "How was your first day?" She asked. 

"Same as always," I replied. "I have to apply to college," I frowned. 

"Yeah, most seniors do," she said. 

"What if I don't want to go to college?" I asked her. 

"Nothing wrong with having options," she said. "Just apply in case you change your mind," I smiled. That was why I loved this woman so much. She understood me, I got up and kissed her forehead. 

"Love you, mom," I said. 

"Love you too," she said. I smiled and made my way out of the lab to grab something to eat. "I'm making your favorite for dinner," she said before I have a chance to make all the way outside. I smiled and ran upstairs. 

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