Chapter 3

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"Is everything alright, Miss?" Sean asked with concern. Luna didn't respond. Sean didn't press for anything more and just kept on driving.

"He didn't show up," Luna finally said through a puff of breath as though she had been holding it in since the restaurant.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"He didn't even have the decency to let me know. I wouldn't have waited that entire hour for him if I knew he wasn't going to show up." Luna was frustrated; not necessarily at the fact that she got stood up, but at the fact that he was so inconsiderate as to not inform anyone that he wasn't going to be there. "Why did I even wait that long anyways?"

Luna crossed her arms across her chest and sulked. She couldn't help but start feeling like he didn't show up to the date because he didn't think was good enough. 'Stop it,' Luna thought to herself. 'He doesn't even know you.' That was her insecurity seeping through. She started swatting away the negative thoughts in her mind with her hands out in front of her face. Luna calmed down and was quiet for the rest of the ride home.

Sean drove through an open black gate and up a long, paved driveway until they reached the front of the house— mansion. Luna lived with her parents in their mansion home where her two older sisters used to live too. Her parents are barely home due to work and if it wasn't for her nanny, Maria, Luna would be left alone in the mansion for most of the days.

"How was your evening, Lu?" A tiny older woman opened the door for Luna.

"Hi Nana." Luna breathed out a sigh of relief and gave her a hug before heading upstairs. "I'm tired. I'll be going to bed." Luna walked up the stairs while holding onto the bottom of her dress.

Luna walked into her bedroom and plopped down on her bed face first. "Oomph!" She rustled her hair to the left side as she turned her head to face the headboard of the bed. "It wouldn't have worked out anyways," Luna mumbled to herself. 'He would have taken one look at me and want nothing to do with me', Luna thought. 'This is all for the better.'

The next morning, Luna woke up to the ringing of her phone. Without looking to see who was calling, Luna answered the phone. "Hello?"

"How was the date last night?!" It was Celeste. From the question and the sound of her voice, she wasn't aware that the date did not happen.

"Huh?" Luna groggily opened her eyes and checked the time. It was 6am.

"Come on Lulu! Give me the details! How was he? Did you like him? When's the second date?"

It took Luna a couple seconds to register the questions her sister was throwing at her. "Oh. He didn't show up last night so I just went home."

Luna could hear a loud gasp through the phone. "That William!" Celeste raised her voice. "I knew he shouldn't have set you up on a date with someone I don't know!"

That's Celeste being a protective older sister. The five blind dates—only dates that Luna had gone on were associates of Celeste. Celeste believes herself to be a very good judge of character and knows who will match well with her little sister. "I'll give him a piece of my mind." Celeste hung up before Luna could say anything else.

"Good morning to you too, sis."

Luna got up, got ready and put on a pair of light blue jeans and a loose t-shirt, which she tucked in at the front. She then walked downstairs where Maria had breakfast waiting for her. Luna closed her eyes and breathed in a deep breath. "Mmmm." She skipped to the table and sat down.

Luna is 25 years old, but when it comes to food, she becomes like a child. Maria set in front of Luna a plate of scrambled eggs with vegetables and heart shaped pancakes. "Awww... how cute," Luna said turning to Maria and smiled from ear to ear.

"Enjoy your breakfast," Maria smiled and patted Luna's head.

Luna finished her breakfast and headed out the door. Sean was in the SUV waiting in the front for her. "Sean. I don't know when I will be coming back today so you don't have to drive me around."

"It's my job to drive you around, Miss Luna."

"I'm giving you the day off after you drop me off at the bus station," Luna said hopping into the backseat.

Luna sat waiting at the bus stop closest to her home. When the bus arrived, she got on and it drove off towards the city. She has ridden the bus several times before during her high school years without her mother's knowledge, of course. In high school, she would sneak out the house to be with her friends. They rode the bus together instead of their chauffeured cars so they wouldn't have to feel like they were being baby sat.

The bus stopped in front of the library in the city and Luna got off. She headed towards the library, excited to read the books that awaited her. Before she was able to enter the library, her phone rang. Luna took out her phone from her back pant packet and looked to see who was calling. It was Angel.

"Hello?" Luna stopped by the side of the entryway. "I'm at the library. You want to meet up?"

"Stay put. I'll come get you!" Angel hung up before Luna could refuse.

Luna groaned. She didn't mind spending time with Angel, but she wasn't looking forward to it. Luna knew her sister was going ask her about last night and offer to help her find a date so they could go on double—triple dates; all three of the sisters. Luna stood outside the library waiting for her sister to come pick her up. While waiting, she spotted a familiar SUV parked across the street. Luna jokingly scoffed. A couple minutes later, a white limo pulled up in front of Luna. The window rolled down and out popped Angel's face.

"Get in Lil Luna!" Angel waved her arm for Luna. Luna chuckled as she jogged over to the limo and got in.


Thank you for continuing to read He Loves Me. I started writing a new story, CRUSH and would love it if you give it a read and let me know what you think!


***I wish my sisters would come rolling up in limos! Hahaha!!!

Thank you for reading my story. I hope the short chapters are readable.

If you would like to, please do comment and vote! I would really appreciate it!***

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