Chapter 16

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"You should wear something SEXY," Naia said pulling out a short red dress from Luna's closet.

"Its just lunch," Luna said matter-of-factly. "I'm just going to wear something casual." Luna moved the red dress from out of her face and pulled out a white silky blouse and casual blue jeans. 'Simple," she thought.

She changed into the jeans and blouse. As she waited for Noah to arrive to her house to pick her up, she continued chatting with Naia.

"What will you do if both Noah and Grayson like you?" Naia asked as they sat on Luna's bed.

"I doubt that." Luna couldn't imagine someone like Noah, let alone Grayson be genuinely interested in her. "Noah is a nice guy," she said as if that is the reason why he has been going on dates with her. "I'll be perfectly happy if he likes me."

"What about Grayson?"

Luna didn't respond right away. She didn't how to respond. What would she do if Grayson liked her too? 'Why would he,' she thought to herself.

"I don't care about that. The person I'm going on dates with is Noah, not his friend." Luna purposely said 'friend' to remind herself that Grayson is the friend of the guy she is dating.

"You look nice today," Noah said as he and Luna walked into a restaurant for lunch. They chit-chatted about their day before making their order. As they waited for their food, Luna noticed Noah acting a bit strangely. He was fidgeting with his silverware and it sounded like he was tapping his foot underneath the table.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked, concerned.

"Huh?" Noah looked up from the table.

"Oh. Um... I don't know how to say this or when I should say this."

"What is it?"

Noah set the silverware down and composed himself. "I think you are a wonderful woman," Noah started. Luna already knew where this conversation was heading. "You are sweet and kind and loving."

"But," Luna added in to help Noah out.

"But I don't think you and I will work out."

There. He said it. For some reason, Luna didn't feel upset; as if she knew this was coming. Yeah, she and Noah had a nice time together, but she also didn't feel like they were headed towards anything more than just maybe 'friends'.

"I see," Luna said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry to be telling you like this. I didn't want to drag this along and—"

"Noah. It's fine." Noah stopped talking and looked at Luna. "It's okay."

"You're okay with this?" Luna nodded her head.

How else was Luna supposed to react to Noah telling her that he doesn't see them being together? Luna can't force him to like her; and honestly, Luna felt a bit relieved. She didn't have any romantic feelings towards Noah either.

Their lunch arrived. They both enjoyed their lunches in each other's company.

"I do like you as a person though," Noah said as he stopped his car out in front of Luna's home. "I would like it if we can be friends."

"I would like that." Luna did want to continue seeing Noah, but as a friend. Luna got out of his car and waved goodbye before going inside.

Luna walked up to her room. She opened the door and yelped in surprise. "Naia!"

Naia was lying down on Luna's bed. It seems she had fallen asleep. Luna walked into her room and on top of her bed. She started shaking Naia to wake her up. "Naia!"

Naia opened her tired eyes. "Luna. You're back. What time is it?"

"It's after 3PM. Why are you still here? You scared me!"

Naia rubbed her eyes and sat up. "I wanted to see how the date went and was too lazy to drive home and back here so I decided to just wait for you." Naia gave Luna a toothy smile.

"Ohhh..." Naia said. Luna explained what happened at lunch and how she and Noah will continue their relationship as friends. "But can a man and a woman really just be friends?"

"Naia!" Naia started chuckling as Luna playfully slapped her shoulder.

"I guess it's just you and Grayson then!"




***Hi everyone! It's been a couple days since I uploaded anything so I am so glad to have this short, but clarifying chapter up. I will see you in the next chapter!***

He Loves Me (Curves and All) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now