Chapter 23

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As Luna had expected, her parents were against her traveling abroad to a strange land to be with strangers. Luna's mother was especially distraught after hearing that Luna was going to leave in a couple weeks. Her father, although initially against it, he eventually came to terms with it. Mr. Rose reassured Luna that he will talk to her mother and hopefully she changes her feelings about the situation. Luna was going to leave even if her parents disapproved of it because this is her part of her dream: to bring about positive changes in the lives of underprivileged and orphaned children around the world.

Two days after Luna broke the news to her family, her mother finally had a conversation with her. Mrs. Rose was still against her daughter leaving the country alone, but she will respect Luna's wishes. Before their conversation ended, Mrs. Rose, being Mrs. Rose, asked Luna about her dating life.

"What happened with Mr. Vandin?"

"Oh, Noah. We decided to be friends." Luna gave a little smile. She knew her mother was going to be disappointed, but she was relieved to not be in a romantic relationship seeing how she was going to be out of the country for about five months. Mrs. Rose gave Luna an unexpected hug.

"You know that I love you, right?"

"Uh." Luna felt awkward. The last time her mother hugged her was when she graduated from university about three years ago.

"I only want the best for you, that's why I'm so hard on you."

"I know, mom."

"The world is a cruel place. I don't want you to have to see that, but its inevitable. You will have to leave in order to build your own life." Mrs. Rose's voice started to crack.

"Mom," Luna said softly. "I will always be your daughter wherever I am. I love you too."

Luna was feeling quite emotional after speaking with her mother. She still had to tell Naia as well. Luna went up to her bedroom and called her friend.

"Hi Naia. Do you have some time today? I have something to tell you." Luna and Naia decided to meet that evening at a restaurant for dinner.

When Luna arrived to the restaurant, Naia was there and had gotten them a table already. After ordering, Luna couldn't wait anymore so she broke the news to Naia.

"I will be going to Sao Paolo in two weeks."

"For vacation? How long?"

"It's not for vacation. Do you remember when I told you abut the Universal Children's Center Society?" Naia nodded. "Well, I just received an acceptance letter a couple days ago. I will be leaving for Brazil in two weeks until the end of the year." Luna saw Naia's surprised face. It took Naia a minute to process the information, but she eventually congratulated her friend and got up to give her a hug.

"What about Grayson? You haven't told me about your lunch date the other day."

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