Chapter ¹

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Today was an unusual day. Nearing the end of lunch, Aunt May had texted me saying that she was going to pick me up because she had something to tell me. When I had asked her what, she didn't reply. She knew that I hated not knowing things, yet she kept it from me.

"Something up?" Ned asked, looking at my confused expression.

"Nothing. May just said she'll pick me up. Says she's got something to tell me. Not telling me what, though."

"Weird. But at least you don't gotta take that subway."

"Yeah, I guess. But I still hate secrets." I sighed.

"Says the one hiding them." Ned laughed.

"What? Is Penis Parker too scared to admit he's gay?" Flash laughed, interrupting the conversation.

‘Probably something Wade thinks.’ I thought. Wade, aka Deadpool, has easily opened up to me and got really attached. Mostly obsessed. It may have been odd to others to get so close to a mercenary, but he's really helped.

Although I was reluctant to share my feelings and problems, he didn't mind. Just kept helping me, even going as far as canceling some of his own missions to do so. Even after that I'm still not as open as he was. But that's not very helpful when he doesn't know me as anything other than Spider-man.

"And why is that important to you? Are you trying to use it as an insult? That isn't nice." I sighed and turned around, facing him.

"And who's to say you can tell me what to do?" He held a condescending smirk.

"I'm not telling you what to do. I'm saying that you're being a dick."

"Are you finally working up some nerves to try to stop me? I don't see how that's going to stop me."

"I might not, but I'm sure the cameras will." I said trying to hide a smile.

"I'll be finding you later." He scoffed and walked away.

"I don't see why you let him do that to you."

"Ned, it's like I said to Mr. Stark. If I couldn't do it before, why should I do it now? It'll be suspicious. I just can't, but I'll be out by the end of the year while he's stuck here."

"Changing the subject, how do you think you did on the Anatomy test?"

"Honestly, pretty good. Maybe not the best, but definitely good."

The rest of the day went mostly smoothly, except the glares And shoves that Flash kept giving me while in the hallway.

At the end of the day, I rushed to the front doors, not waiting a second for Flash to catch up. Surely if any adult was there, he wouldn't try to hurt me.

"Parker! The hell you think you're going?"

"Sorry, gotta catch my ride." I went straight to May, instantly sliding in the car.

Most of the car ride was quiet until we were able couple minutes away.

"Peter... I think you should stop seeing Tony." She finally said.

"Huh? Why?" I said instantly.

"I noticed that your grades have been slipping lately and we decided that it would be for the best." She informed.

"Please, no. I promise it's my own fault. I just have been d- wait. We?" I asked after trying to give an excuse.

"There's someone I want you to see." She admitted as she pulled up in the driveway.

I stayed silent and followed her inside.

"This is Stanley." May said gesturing to a man sitting on the couch.

"My boyfriend." She stated.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, hiding my anger. Not only did she not tell me, but the guy looks like a huge douche, and I didn't not miss the look he gave me when I walked in; hatred.

"You must be Peter, right?" He asked with a fake smile.

"Um, yes, I am."

"Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Why don't you two go and talk to each other while I go make dinner." She smiled, leaving me alone with this guy, most likely many years older than May.

"So, Peter. Tell me about yourself." Stanley asked trying to sound interested, acting as though I couldn't tell he wasn't.

"Well, I'm sixteen and I build computers for fun." I said trying to give as little important information as possible. There was no way I was going to be trusting this guys.

"That seems like a good path as long as you don't go the same route as that Tony Stark."

"Why's that?" I said giving off no emotion.

"He may be smart but that doesn't make up for anything if he has a bad attitude. That guy is full of himself. Unlike him, I care for people." He said ignoring the fact he glared at me when I walked into my own home.

"Do you have any proof of that?" I asked.

"Look, Peter. I can see that you're confused. People see him as a hero-" he scoffed at, "-and look up to him, but he isn't all that."

"I asked for proof." I said.

"He practically showed off that he was Iron Man. He's seeking attention. What els-"

"Why are you talking as if you know him?" My anger slipping through. Many people have insulted Tony Stark saying he's self-obsessed, without proof, simply because of jealousy. Though there are more people that like him then don't.

"Why are you defending him? You don't know w-"

"No, you don't know what you're saying. I got to know Mr. Stark and he has saved me many times. He's a nice person. He risks his own life to save others. If anything, shouldn't you be grateful? He may have an ego, but that doesn't stop him worrying for others." I hissed.

"Well, obviously there's no help for you if you think that man is worth anything."

"I don't like you either. Don't think I didn't see that disgusted look on your face when I came in. If anything, you're more self-obsessed seeing that you're trying make yourself seem better than he is." I growled.

He scoffed again and exited the room giving me a more hatred filled glare than anything that Flash as ever gave.

Probably off to tell May I was being bad. That's what everyone else does.

I stomped to my room with thoughts of him making me livid. If anything Tony Stark was always there for me. He has helped me even though he had the option to just ignore me completely. But he didn't, he cares, paying more attention to me than his own job.

I started on my homework, slowly forgetting about Stanley. When I had first saw him, I decided right away that I would avoid him as much as possible.

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