Chapter ²0

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Guys gusyguysguys gUYS!!!! Brah, oscorp vs. Stark industries (w/ Andrew garfield)‽‽‽‽‽??!!!!!!!!!! For a one shot??

Over the past few weeks, May has been calling me a lot. I could never answer them because I'd feel as if I did, I would break down again.

I though by now, I would be over it, but if felt the opposite, like it was just getting worse recently.

Now when I go to school, I always have to have someone to go with me after the Monday after everyone found out about me being the son of the Tony Stark.

All the noise and flashing light, questions and every single vibration of everyone's voice made me go into a sensory overload state and I only went to school for half of the day even though Tony complained about my decision.

Today, I didn't expect things to be different then a couple reporters trying to get to me after I exited the school.

"Hey, Pete..." She said as she held her arms with Stanley next to her. (Plz don't hurt me abt it)

For the first time ever, I could not meet her eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to even look in her direction. And the worst thing is I had no one here to help me.

"I'm sorry a-"

"Sorry?" I scoffed. "Sorry? For what exactly? Apparently your boyfriend is more of your family than I am. I just wanted people there for me a-and you..." I explained as I tried to keep my breathing normal, but small sobs made their way through.

"PETEY! He- Peter? Peter!?" Wade must have seen me since his pace has gotten considerably faster.

He grabbed my hands and brought me closer, purposely standing in between me and May.

"Hey..." He said quietly and combed my hair and at the same time brought my face to meet his. He was wearing his mask. I hate when he does that.

"Irondad wanted me to bring you back since Fury wouldn't let them leave." He tilted his head sideways, blocking my view from behind him.

"Do I need to do something?" He asked.

"Just get me out of here." I barely voiced, but just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Okay, baby." He whispered and lightly pulled on my hands allowing him to guide the way.

And as soon as we got off the elevator, I broke down. I couldn't keep my feelings in. I just needed someone hold me and be able to comfort me at all times. Not with some boy in all her damn free time.

"It's okay now, Peter." Wade hushed and gave me a hug, slowly rubbing my back as I sobbed and gripped on his jacket.

Everything became a bit awkward when people started to pile up in the room.

"Pete?" Tony asked quietly, probably not really knowing what to do. He's never had a kid before.

"I'm fine." I released my grip on Wade's jacket. "Just- I saw someone I didn't want to."


"Peter?" Tony asked outside my door for the fourth time since I got back.

"I just want- I need to know you're okay." I bit my lip and quietly sighed.

"Yeah." My voice cracked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just... needed to collect myself."

"When you're better, come get dinner."


Dinner was silent, mostly because Tony refused to let Clint or Sam sit with us. Everybody else saw my bad mood and decided it'd be best to keep quiet. Tony even let Wade stay over, sitting next to me and rubbing my hand to try to keep me calm.

I shouldn't have let May's presence bother me so much he but it felt so bad to be abandoned by someone who you thought of as your whole world.

I just help when I wake up tomorrow that I would just forget all about today. That I could go back to my happy-go-lucky attitude.


In the morning, I did feel a whole lot better. But that feeling didn't last the whole day like I wanted to. Even though Flash was leaving me alone.

At first I didn't hear the soft cracking sounds since I wasn't paying attention. But soon afterwards my Spidey senses went off. I thought that maybe someone was throwing something at me. But then my attention was drawn to the window because everyone was lining up there.

I looked just in time to see a huge part of the building across from us fall. Fall onto civilian Tony Stark. I stood up so fast that my chair fell over and pushed people out of my way, looking through the window.

Steve was trying hard to keep most of the weight off of Tony, but the piece of rumble must have weight at least multiple tons.

My hands trembled as I opened the window. I had people trying to stop me and call out my names, but I didn't once listen to them. I jumped out and prepared for the impact.

My breathing heavy as I ran across the street towards my parents. My instincts kicked in and I held the rubble as high as I could, leaving Steve to retrieve Tony, should was barely awake.

I dropped it when they both made their way out.

"Dad?!" I rushed to his side. But I didn't have tome to talk to him.

"Well if it isn't Spiderman." The familiar voice seemed to echo in my head and I quickly turned around as the figure landed on the ground.

I feel like I just lied bc this chapter is less than 1000 words but I also feel bad for not updating so here it is

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