Chapter 1⁷

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Im sorry if this took longer than wanted but i was too busy watching Sherlock and wondering how they haven't boned yet

*loud knocky knock knocks*

"Peter! I'm leaving." Michelle shouted through the door.

"UgGghhH!" Peter groaned as he realized that today was Saturday, the day of he field trip to here. His house. Where he lives.

"Plus, Tony wants you down in twenty for morning training." She continued before leaving to the school. She would get in trouble if she was here before the bus even stopped.

Peter was a bit more tried than usual since the night before, he sorta got stabbed a couple times by a robber, but never tols anyone. Whops.

It took Peter the next fifteen minutes to even open his eyes, but as soon as he got dressed, he felt a lot more awake.

He hopped out of his room into the kitchen.

"Please tell me you've seen Clint." Steve begged as if he was a very worried mother.
(It's gonna be Hawksilver, babes)

No one has been able to find Clint all morning. He always slept like a dead tree, but he wasn't in his room. FRIDAY wasn't even to be able to locate him either, but never saw him leave the building.

"I'm sure we'll find him eventually." Peter reassured.

“I have just found out, there has been a room that has lost all power. Could Mr. Barton be there?” FRIDAY questioned.


The team, including Shuri, had entered that room, with many flashlights all pointed to the corner of the room, where Clint, with an unknown male sitting on his lap.

Peter raised his eyebrow, crossed his arms, and started to tap his foot, just like with Michelle's parents.

Before Steve could even think of what he was going to say to this duo, Peter had spoken up, right after shuri had decided to make a comment, ‘Really? Right in front of my salad?’

"Are you boys serious? In a room so public? That is completely indecent." Peter scolded, kind of surprising the other adults.

‘Why would a kid be so mature? What happened?’ That personal topic would be saved for later.

"Aww. Who's acting like an adult? You are." Clint cooed, but mocked Peter at the same time. This could be enjoyable.

"Pietro?" Wanda asked. The guy ducked his head down, hoping to hide from everything.

"Yes, sis?" He replied hesitantly.

"I think we've got something to talk about." She said as the team looked back and forth and the siblings. The team did know about Pietro, but Peter did not.

And Natasha stood there with her arms crossed and looked away, clearly mad that her best friend had never once mentioned this.


"What are we doing now?" Peter asked as he blindly followed his father.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed anything with the lake behind the tower."

"No... I haven't."

"We just finished with to obstacle course which we're going to do today."

And so during the training, and after Clint and the twins returned, Peter had completely forgotten about the field trip with all the competition against each other.


"So, we can start off our tour with the outside, the lake, where the Avengers started with their mornig training with their two newbies." Maria led the group outside, showing the lake that had bouncy house obstacle course with many people falling, pushing, and cursing.

They've already been at if for two hours, and the only one being able to make it, twice, was Peter, who sat at the top all the way at the end, smiling down at his family (and Wade).

The tour continuted for awhile as the Avengers made it inside for lunch. And Peter's mind was far from any possible, or current, tours.

So as soon as Peter got dried, he went full mature mode. It's time to tell Tony what he can't do.

"Tony, for the last time, we are not electrocuting the entire building just because you don't want Deadpool in here." Peter scolding after he walked into the same room.

"Who says I got to listen to you?" Tony smirked. "I'm the adult."

"Yeah, I know. But Steve on the other hand would choose who was more responsible. Plus you know he can just teleport in here." Peter stated.

"Just like that." He pointed behind him where he knew, from increased hearing, that Wade had just teleported behind him.

"It's not fun if you don't get scared." Wade pouted, making him look like a man child in his red and black leather outfit.

"Steve!" Tony shouted like a child. "Peter one uped me again."

"Peter, you know he likes feeling superior." Steve said entering the room almost instantly after he heard Tony complained.

Their conversation went on, ignoring the group of kids who just walked in that Maria had given up on trying to get their attention back to what she was saying.

"Mr. Stark. If you could be kind and answer some questions that these seem to obviously have." This stopped their argument of how much food that Peter should have before and after a fight, which started with the amount if painkillers he had to take in order for them to be effective. Wade given the answer of eight since they've known each other for two years.

"Uh? Yeah, sure." Tont replied but he just really wanted to spend time with his family.


It was only four questions in and Tony just wanted to take a nap.

"Yeah, you." He pointed to a boy in a to-formal-to-be-a-high-schooler outfit that clearly had been picked out to impress.

"Is it true that you have an internship with a high schooler?" He asked with a smirk.

Tony looked over at Peter who shook his head clearly signaling not to do anything stupid, then looked back at the other kid.

"Depends really. Currently I do not have an internship with a high schooler. But involving said high schooler, he has a job here." As quickly as Flash's smirk came, it disappeared.

"It's a secret, but I can tell you that he works in the Spider-Man department." Tony informed trying to hide a smirk that wanted to make it's way onto his face.

This caused Flash's eyes to widen sightly. After all the clues he has, he still refused to believe it. And not the fact that Peter Parker had a job at Stark Industries.

Petition for Michelle x shuri to be Michuri

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