Chapter ³

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After a few minutes, I had finished my food. We were sitting on the couch, waiting for me to start talking. I took in a deep breath before I started my rant.

"Yesterday, May picked me up from school because she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend. When we met, I hated him... We started talking but he quickly started to talk bad about you so I tried to defend you. But he called me crazy, said I needed help for thinking you a good person." I started trying to calm myself down.

"He told May I was being rude and she told me that he was my new family and completely ignore my input and feelings... She said that... I either needed to fix my behavior towards him... or leave." I let out a sob.

"TONY! She chose him over me! She cared more for him than me. Why?!" I cried, placing my hands over my eyes, tears spilling.

Tony stayed quiet but pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back, comforting me. I know that he doesn't have much experience in helping people emotionally, but he's trying and I'm happy about that.

He took a couple deep breaths before speaking.

"Peter? Would you be okay if I let you alone for a little? Would you like someone here for you? I promise I'll be quick."

I didn't want to speak, so instead I nodded my head. This whole time that I've gotten to know Tony, he would never intentionally hurt me, so him leaving must be important.

"Alright. I'm going to call a good friend. My best and he's going to help you while I'm gone. Can I tell him?" I nodded.

He took his phone and quickly dialing a number, only ringing for a few seconds before getting picked up.

(Tony's p.o.v.)

"Hello?" I asked.

"This better be important Tony. It's my day off."

"I was hoping you could come to the tower for a little. I've got something to do and I don't want the kid to be alone. He's going through some things."

"Emotionally? If he seems important to you then, yes."

"Thanks, Rhodey. I'll text you what happened."


Even when Rhodey did show up, Peter was still sobbing. And I feel really bad. I know that I had nothing, directly, to do with this, but the thoughts still there.

"Hey, Peter?" I said, getting his attention, and places my hands on both his shoulders.

"I'll be as fast as possible. You should know that Rhodey is better at comforting people. No one is to be back for a few days. It'll be just you two. No one else will see you break." We both know how he felt. He tried to be the strong guy, keeping his problems in because he wanted to prove to me he can help.

"I would be very happy if you could open up. I know it's hard but things end up getting better. Okay?" He nodded again.

"Now, when I get back, feel free to tell me if Rhodey did anything embarrassing." I joked and to my success, he smiled.

"Alright. I'll be back soon and I hope you to can get along." I said, leaving to the elevator.

I was beyond pissed. My parents may have ignored me, but they never decided to kick me out. And definitely not because of others.

I drove down as quick as possible to May'sue location. If she didn't want him, I sure as hell will take him.

I had to hold myself so I didn't pound on the door.

The door opened quickly, met with May, looking like the devil in disguise. She may look nice, but she was not where near after what happened.

"What do you want?" She spat.

"However much I want to fight with you right now, that's not what I came here to do."

"I don't have all day."

"Is Peter up for adoption?" I said getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, sure. It's not like anyone would want him with the attitude he's got." Oh, how much I would love to get at her.

"Sign this and I'll leave." I pulled up and piece of paper with a pen.

"Whatever." She scoffed and quickly wrote her name, shoving the paper back towards me and slamming the door.

"Asshole." I muttered before quickly returning to my car.

(Back to Peter's p.o.v.)

"It's an awful thing to do but you have to be greatful for the people you still have. You must have some friends along with Tony. I must say I'm surprised. He doesn't really connect with people easily. Even if you didn't have that secret of yours, Tony seems really attached to you." Rhodey explained.

"What?" I asked alarmed.

"It's completely fine. I had promised him that I would never tell anyone. It was weird that just some kid that I've never met before would suddenly mean so much to him. If you're having any doubts, he would never kick Clint out, and he cares for you a lot more. Are you sure you're not his son?" He joked.

It was weird. When he first arrived, I was crying my eyes out. But now were talking casually as if nothing was wrong. He left this calm persona, but even with this, I still prefer Tony's company.

"Are at least feeling better? Tony definitely would let you stay here if you needed."

"It wouldnt be too much trouble?" I asked. I always felt I was just extra weight.

"Trust me. Not only for the fact that he loves you, but maybe you could become a great member If you ever feel like."

"Mr. Stark had already offered. I just wanted to wait until I was finished with school. Stick with the little people till then."

"Smart choice. Wouldn't want to keep making excuses as to why you have to leave class."

A few minutes later, the elevator had opened with a happy Tony practically bouncing.

"And here I thought I was the energetic one." I laughed. The events of the day before being forgotten.

"So, I got some papers." He stated, becoming serious, but still happy.

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