Chapter ¹9

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What the fACk! I got on and u know what? The whole chapter went byye. So now I gotta rewrite. Thanks, I hate it

"If you aren't already awake, wake up now. We've got 10 minutes to leave. If you not already dressed, get dressed in the car!" Tony yelled over the comms.

The only ones who did end up waking up late we're Clint and Sam.

"You nervous, kid?" Tony asked after he exited the elevator with Steve.

"Yeah, but mostly excited... And a bit worried." I admitted.

"What for?" He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and started leading the team outside to the cars.

"If people know about my relationship with you, they're gonna want to ask a lot of questions. It's not gonna be good when I started to freak out away from anyone who could stop it." I replied as I rubbed my arm.

"And I don't want any fake friends. I hate the idea of people kissing butts to get something."

"Just be up front with 'em, kid. I can see that you used to be the kind of kid that doesn't like confrontation. But now I'm sure you can. You have an alter ego, so why can't you act like him from time to time. It wouldn't do anyone any harm."

"I know that, but they don't. I'd be freaked out more if they did."

"Pete? I- to be honest, I don't think it would stay that way. One day you might have to get ready for that change."

I know that. I knew that since I started the whole Spider-Man gig. I did it at first to be able to protect the ones I had left and it became this amazing thing that's helped so many people.

"Yeah." I smiled.

(Changed to3rd person btw)

It was surprising how fast Tony got the marriage part done to say the least.

Now Steve was getting ready to throw the flowers as a group of excited adults, plus a couple kids.

The funny part about it was how Tony tried to keep Wade from getting the flowers, but as soon as Steve had thrown then, Wade was already in the air.

"Petey!" Wade called out and ran over to Peter.

Wade had made countless flirty, along with perverted, remarks and jokes towards Spider-Man. And everyone knows that Deadpool is head over heels for Spidey.

But Wade isn't exactly in love with the thought of Spider-Man like how people are 'in love' with people based on how famous someone is or how much money they have.

Wade had always been in love with the person Side was. Someone who would do anything to save the people around him. Even if they're just a bunch of ungrateful assholes. It's someone Wade wanted to be, but he just ended up going down the wrong path.

Hopefully, Peter can get him in the right path.😊

"Hey- HEy! I don't think so!" Tony yelled. But damn, curse his height.

"Too bad, sir. But Peter and I are gonna get married." Wade smiled widely.

"Wade." Peter sighed but also laughed.

"In like five years."

In a sorta related note, Peter always thought about going to college, but the amount of absents and tardies he's recieved just in this year of high school, college isn't looking that good.

And that's okay. As long as he's able to spend time with his family, then that's all that really matters.


"Okay, guys! I think it's about time to leave before you all get tipsy! Well, more tipsy." Steve yelled.

There were some groans as well as some 'yays'. And let's not forget the tired people, including an unexpected tired Petey.

"Pete. Don't fall asleep quite yet. We gotta get home first. You up for an appearance?" Tony asked Peter after slightly shaking him.

"Yeah... Give me a bit." He stretched and relaxed, trying to get his eyes to stay open.

"Alright. Then you guys should head in the back and start loading in." Tony said quietly with Peter's sensitive hearing.

"You're gonna make me fall back to sleep." Peter whispered to Wade as he was combing Peter's hair.

"I'm trying to make my baby as comfortable as possible. This must be difficult for you. Don't want you stressing."

After a few minutes as all the other people loaded into the cars, Peter finally got up and loaded into the back of a truck with Steve and Tony.

"You ready for this, kid?"

"Yes." Peter smiled and grabbed both of his dads hands.

He took a big breath before climbing on top of the truck. The truck slowly started to move after the garage door opened and the light pooled in.

The amount of telling that had entered Peter's ears was quite overwhelming as Peter's small frame started to slowly shake.

"Bud, it's okay." Tony calmly said as he placed his earbuds in, that should block out just enough sound for him to hear normally.

Even being blocks away from the crowd and reporters, the noise was surprisingly loud. As they rounded the corner, the crowd came into view.

"What's this?"

"Did they have a child?"

It's a surprise on what little information these reporters recieve, what stories that they can make up from it. It's also a surprise on how many times they're right.

"Are you proud to be Tony Stark's son, even knowing what he's done?" A random reporter asked Peter. And that question had truly set him off.

"What does that mean?" Peter asked innocently with his hands closed together behind his back.

And at that moment that stupid reporter decided to spew out every flaw, from his own mouth, any mistakes Tony had made. Even if it wasn't him.

"I think that you've been mislead. I think- I know that Tony is not a bad man. In fact, he decided to take me in while my own family decided to l Ave me behind. I truly could not ask for a better father or family willing to help me in ways that no one else could. So if anything, I think you should check yourselves before you start accusing people wrongly." Peter explained, trying his damned hardest not to Spider-Man him.

Without Tony, Peter wouldn't have been alive all those years ago as a child that had almost been a victim to an attack, nor would he be alive right now due to the lack of love from the one who though would stick with him till the end.

Right now, Tony may be the most important person to Peter, and there would be no way that Peter would deny that.

Hey, y'all. We're gonna b making it to chapter 20+. I believe this will officially b my longest book ever. And most popular, but who cares all bout that, as long as u guys enjoy. Feel free to see if you want to have some more chapter after the ending of some nice, fluffy continuation of the book afterwards. But hope u love this😘😘

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