Chapter ¹⁰

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"I don't know if I can do this, Tony." I said nervously with a tube of my blood labeled Spider-Man.

"Look, Peter. It's better to tell Bruce now then when you're hurt. You don't want the public to know, do you?" Tony asked.

"No, I don't. I just don't want to deal with all the questions and stuff."

"Then I can tell Bruce not to ask unless you can answer them. But her needs to know."

"Yeah... yeah. I'll do it." I walked out of my room, Tony following, as I went down to the labs. It was technically all one big lab, but was split off to working space and a hospital part, that also held a conference room, probably one just for the team.

"Um, Bruce?" I asked, opening the door.

"Hmm, yes?" He asked, turning around to look at me and put down whatever was in his hand.

"Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"Yes. I'm not doing anything that important. What do you need?" He asked, turning the rest of his body towards me.

"I- I was thinking that- since I can't go to a hospital, you should know." I looked over at Tony and he nodded.

I looked back over at Bruce and let out me breath.

"I heard that you would like a sample of Spider-Man's blood."

"I did. It'd be nice to see what's goes on." Bruce simply replied, not trying to push any further, making me any more nervous.

"Well, this is mine- uh, me blood." I held out my hand with the closed off tube.

Bruce smiled and walked up to the vile, taking and looking at it.

"Are you telling me that you're Spider-Man?"

"Yes. I can't really risk going to a hospital since they probably wont be able to figure certain things out since me body is different... and stuff."

"That's great, but who else knows?"

"Tony, Rhodey, Wade, Mr. Loki, and my best friend."

"Ah, watch out of Natasha. She's very observant. That door of yours isn't hiding much." Bruce said referring to the door of my room, covered in spider webs.


"Peter?" Tony said, semi serious.

"Yes, dad?" I said and turned from the tv to look at him. Tony took a moment, probably because it called him dad, before speaking.

"T'challa and Shuri are coming to visit for awhile for team bonding. But it sounded like something more. Whatever they're coming over for, I want you to behave. They're royalty."

"Yes, Sir." I saluted.

"When are they coming?"

"Should be here any second, actually." Tony glanced at his watch, then watched the elevator.

"Sup, Stark. I'm going to invade your labs." Shuri had said and bounced off.

"Something you need?" Tony asked T'challa.

"We need to have a meeting."

"I had a feeling this was more than just team bonding." He said, but still set a meeting.

"You coming?" Tony asked and looked at me.

"I can come?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, yeah. You need to know what's happening. If it affects us, it's definitely going to affect, so you need to now what's happening." Tony led us to the empty conference room in the labs, where the other already were.

"What's up?" Tony asked and leaned back in his chair and patted a chair next to him for me to sit.

"A few nights ago while Shuri asleep, people has broken into the castle and tried to kidnap her."

And so that was the start of a long conversation filled with many questions, and to be honest, It's starting to be too much for me.

I shut me eyes and placed my head in the table, covering my ears, but was still able to hear.

"Alright." Tony said, gaining everyone's attention.

"I think that if Shuri were to leave this tower, then Peter should go with her."

"Why? He is just a child." T'challa asked. I could feel his gaze no the top if my head.

"Yes. It would be to suspicious of one of us saw us with her. Plus, Peter knows this city, probably more than anyone of us." I lifted my head, looking at Tony, who was looking at me.

"Uh, yes." I said. He knew very well how much I knew since I see everything about four times a day.

"I now every street name, dead ends, and secret exits... I have a lot of free time." I said, my own voice giving me a headache.

"Well, that settles things. I think we-"

"Wait." I said, cutting off Tony.

"There's something else as to why... what Tony said." I mumbled, only a few people hearing.

"Peter, you don't have to tell them." Tony said quietly, seeing how I cringed at my on voice.

"No. I just feel like of something did happen, it'd be better of they ready knew instead of being confused." I explained.

"Alright." Tony smiled fondly.

"How old do you think Spider-Man is?" He asked his team.

A bunch of the Avengers agreed at either 18 or 19.


"That would... be me." I said, clearly, fidgeting with me fingers.

"Really? You can't even stand up to your own bully." Clint pointed out.

"Well, that's because it couldn't do it before." I snapped.

"Unlike yourselves, I'd lie to keep my identity because everyone keeps dying." I ran out of the room, to the labs, before any tears slipped.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know anyone was here." I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh, no. It's fine." Shuri said and motioned me back.

"H-hey! What are you doing with that?!" I asked when I fond out it was notebook.

"Is this yours? My bad." She said and put it back down.

"I still thought that whatever was down here was still only Bruce or Tony's."

"What's your favorite color?" I asked, smiling.

(Tony's p.o.v)

"What was that about?"

"He's a child with a past. He thinks it's his fault his uncle and parents are dead. No matter how many times I tell him he had no control over that, he still believes he could've done something." I explained.

I feel really bad. I really really want to be able to help him with his emotional state and issues, but he won't let me. He always thinks of himself as a burden and I want to change the way he views himself.

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