Chapter ⁵

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"Hey, M- Tony?" I corrected myself.

"Yes?" He replied ready for a movie that we were gonna watch before I had to go to bed.

"When are the others coming back?" I asked a little nervously. I wasn't looking for the extra attention. It would get me nervous and when that happens all my senses increase and I'm more sensitive and alert.

"I was told they would be coming back early, tomorrow night. You'll most likely to be asleep by then. But I can tell then to pipe down. Or you could use your homework as an excuse."

"I-um. Co-"

"Yes?" Tony smirked happily watching me be nervous.

"I know that you plan on telling them about me being your son, but could you leave the Spider-Man thing out. I wou- I don't want to be treated differently and I know that Mr. Wilson, uh, Sam doesn't like me much and I'm stil-"

"I understand, but you need to stop stressing yourself. The only annoying one that would be Clint, along with Sam, but it's something we can fix. I can see that you're still worried over the May problem, but we're over it. I've even got your emergency contact changed. She can't get to you. And I now you're still emotional about it and that's completely fine and normal. I don't expect you to get better over night. Take as long as you need, okay?" I nodded.

"Great. Now tomorrow, you should customize your door. We have a rule that if their doors is customized we can't enter. Just Don't make it obvious you're spider boy."


My alarm had woken me up at six, too early for the sun to rise yet, but nice for me. With heightened senses, there's always disadvantages. Like if I were to wake up with the sun already fully risen, I would be blinded for awhile.

I had taken a quick shower and headed to the kitchen. It's only my third day here so it's normal for me to get lost.

“To your right.” FRIDAY had said after I asked for directions.

"Thanks." I replied.

The rooms were placed in a 'C' shape, only having around half filled. My room was placed in the middle (next to Tony) having both my left and right having more rooms and a corner leading to even more rooms.

After I had eaten fairly quick, I knocked on Tony's room.

"What?" He asked and little grumpy. I may be a morning person, but he isn't.

I opened the door to ask, "Don't mind me but I was wondering where the sharpies are."

He rolled his eyes with a small smile plastered on his face and pointed to the closet.

"Thanks. I'll wake you up in another hour so you can drive me to school." I said and took a red, blue,and black sharpie. I'm leaving as many hints of Spider-Man as possible

I decided that I was going to do my door now instead of later. I would draw my name in bubble leters with cursive in the middle of them with every other letter being switched from red and blue.

I know that webs are normally white, but what are white sharpies? I started drawing them from the top corners of the door and letting them hang down.

Many months of drawing designs for my suit has actually helped my drawing skills. I decided to add some effects, making the door look like it's been worn out.

I decided that was enough and thought it'd be a nice idea to get Tony some coffee. So there I stood next to Tony's bed getting him to wake up with coffee.

"Wake up or I'll dump this coffee on you. We've got twenty minutes before I gotta leave." I said pulling away his blankets.

"Yesh. Alright." He sat up and took the coffee.

"You probably shouldn't stay up so late."

"Sure." He said pushing me out of the room.


"So what's up? May never answered when I called." Ned said right after sitting down at the lunch table on our free period. (Last period)

"You mean that traitor? She dumped me out for her trash boyfriend." I hissed not caring who else heard.

"So I left."

A laugh erupted from behind me.

"Did your Aunt finally replace you? I hope you have fun in the orphanage." Flash laughed.

"What's your problem?" I snapped turning my head towards him.

"I happen to find joy in hurting you. Especially when you have no one else to do it." He laughed.

I slammed my fists on the table and pushed past him, slamming my shoulder on him. I am going back early.

What I do with my life shouldn't have to deal with anyone else and it pisses me off that these narcissistic people thinking they're always better so they think they can get away with everything.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing back early?" Tony asked After I exited the elevator.

"I need to blow off some steam." I huffed.


"Flash." I confirmed.

"Your curfew is ten."

I threw my bag onto my bed and stripped off my clothes leaving me in my spidey suit.

This shift was unusual since, first, even after days of not being Spider-Man, Deadpool wasn't out, and I made no puns or any attempts at trying to talk.

Talking usually help me stay calm but now there was not way of that happening. He always torments me, always trying to put me down. But now he talks about my family in that way... I'm pretty sure that I almost broke the table.

But even with all the anger, it still made me upset. My movements became slower as more thoughts had entered my head. All the lies that she had told me that I once believed so much.

"Hey, Peter. You're a little late." Tony said.

"Sorry. I was sulking."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"I ju-st don't know. Now that I actually have no family Flash thinks he can do whatever. An- and I can't deal with it. He g- he gets on my nerves and it hurts." I said while trying to steady my breathing.

"Your family or any part of your life is no concern to him. He doesnt know anything that he's talking about. Next time he gives you trouble, call me and I'll talk to him personally. Maybe we can get one little person into this secret?" He smirked.

"I d-on't know. What if he tells others?" I asked rubbing my arms.

"Trust me. He won't."

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