Chapter ²¹

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After all this time, I thought that I got over my fear of this one man and everything he brought with him. But that wasn't the case.

I sat there, petrified, completely unable to move as I received flashbacks making me fall over, getting caught by Steve, I think.

"Who is that?" Steve asked Tony.

"Toomes. The guy who tried to hijack my plane. Till Petey stopped him." He smiled fondly at me unaware at how I was feeling.

I started to look around, thrashing, and my breathing getting heavy, quick deep breaths as if I was suffocating.

They can't help me. No one can help me. No one knows what happened. The only people who knows is Wade and I don't know where he is.

"Pete? Peter!" Tony cried as he held my shoulders. But nothing he said stopped me from being afraid. If I died, what would happen to the rest of them.

"I-it hur-h- hurts." I struggled to stay as I gripped my shirt where it laid on my chest. At this point we were ignoring Toomes who hasn't realized the group of upset Avengers approaching him.

The tears started to slip. "I n- Wa-Wade. Ge-t."

"Okay. Okay. Someone get Wilson, now." Tony yelled as he held me closer, trying to calm me down as much as possible, rubbing my back.

"Looks like we have unfinished business, Pedro." He grinned down at me.

"You tr-ied t-to k-il-l me." My voice wavered as I tried to keep my oxygen flowing.

"He tri-ed to-to-" My throat catching the words, keeping them from escaping as I held Tony's arm tighter.

"He what?" Tony replied angrily. "Peter, what happened? Please Pete."

I tensed and tried to back away when he took a step closer.

"Please." I cried out. "Not again. Ple-ase." My shirt felt heavy while I received flashbacks of that damn building.

"Outta my way!" I heard Wade demand. I saw a blur of Red pushing his way through the crowd, followed by Natasha.

"Hey, Peter." He fretted calmly, kneeling down and holding my hand.

"I know what you're feeling right now. But I can promise you that nothing can happen." He said quietly.

"You got yourself a group of people who are willing to help you at their own expense." He pulled up his mask over his nose to show me he was smiling.

"You hear? A single person can't hurt you. No matter what type of weapons they got." I started to get my vision back and the voices around me started to return to normal as well as my body stoped shaking.

"You got people who'd kill for you." Wade said seriously. (I was tempted to say siriusly)

"You don't need to do that." I mumbled, looking down.

"It's true, Peter. You need to know you've got lots of people you can rely on now. You don't need to keep these things to yourself. The people you care about can protect themselves."

All this time that Wade talked to me, they've already had Toomes handcuffed without me noticing.

"No, Peter." Wade said softly. "Don't look at him. Look at me, okay?" He smiled once more.

"I need to know that you're okay." He pulled me off the ground and held my arms to keep me steady.

"I think I am."

"Peter?" Tony questioned making me look over at him. "What exactly happened?" (I don't really remember if Peter told them or not but pretend they don't know)

"He dropped a building on me." I mumbled. "I tried to chase him because Happy told me you were busy and I couldn't talk to you so I tried to stop him myself... And he dropped a building on me." I rubbed my arms.

"I'm an idiot." Tony said placing his head in his hands.

"I should have never taken your suit. I should have let you keep it. I thought I could protect you by keeping it from you but it just caused more damage."

"No, seriously, it was my fault. I shouldn't have tried without an-"

"No, Peter." Tong said firmly. "I was the idiot thinking that I could keep you from helping."

"I mean- yeah. That's kinda my thing." I said slowly.

"I just- I wanted to do a better job than my father. I wanted to protect you. I just didn't have any experience with children." He rambled.

"I wan- why haven't you told me these things, Peter. Why did you tell Wade but not me?" He asked quietly.

"... At the time, Wade didn't know who I was. And I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd think of my differently, that you'd think of me as weak-"

"Peter, you've went through three deaths and so on and you still find time to care for others more than you own. Not to mention you probably could throw Steve at fifty miles an hour. Pete, you're not weak. I'm offended that you'd think I'd think of you that way."

"You were a new person to me." I whispered,  looking down at the ground not knowing what else to say.

"Then get to know a guy before thinking about all of that. It'd do good for you."

"I'm sorry." I laughed knowing now that I was just paranoid.

"Now, uh, we may have to make an announcement." Tony stressed gesturing all the people around us.

"Or maybe we could just pretend that this day didn't happen and put me in a food coma for three days." I suggested.

"Maybe just one day, but I can assure you no one is going to forget you lifting a heavy piece of cement."

"Yeah..." I said looking around noticing all the people staring at me with their phones. But once of the faces that made my day was Flash's, who was in all sorts of shock.

That's the ending maybe I think. I'm not quite sure. I'll maybe add in some fluff, maybe as a filler. I dunno.

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