Chapter ⁶

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(Tony's p.o.v.)

"Hey, Tony. The kid just went to sleep. What happened this time?" Rhodey had asked round ding the corner.

"Some bully targeting his personal issues."

"And he doesn't do anything about it?"

"No. He thinks that since he couldn't do it before, he shouldn't be able to do it know, which I disagree." I replied as the others have me weird looks.

"Is this something we need to talk about?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow." I waved heading to my room. When I saw Peter's door I let out a laugh. He's trying to give hints with all these webs.


(Peter's p.o.v.)

It was currently five in the morning when I woke up from a constant bing sound, from my phone.

???: hey spidey

???: its me

???: wade

???: surprised?

Spidey: how u get my ##

Wade: stole it from Stark

Wade: He labeled you spider boy

Wade: so I assumed

Spidey: y u texting me now

Wade: I haven't seen u in awhile

Wade: can u now?

Spidey: only 4 an hour

Spidey: that ok?

Wade: ye

Wade: meet on avenger tower

"Shit." I mumbled. I have to make it look like I didn't come from here.


“Yes, Peter?”

"Can you make sure that no one else besides Tony knows I left?" I asked knowing that the team should ever back by now.

“I have been told by Mr. Stark that I should.”

I quickly took off my clothes and replaced them with the Spider suit.

I opened the window slowly to make sure hat no noise was coming through. Having me people in the building, I would need to be more cautious.

I stuck myself the the side of the building and slowly closed the door pulling down my mask.

I jumped to the next building over and shot my webs onto the ton to the building and pulled myself towards the top. Man, I got to remember to refill my web shooters after school.


"So Webs? Got any more hints to give? All you've said is your age." Deadpool asked.

His identy was like an open book, but not well known. But I wouldn't tell him mine so easily. He seems this as a game to see who I was. I was actually enjoying myself.

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