Chapter ¹³

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It was nine in the morning, Chrismas day, and Tony was still asleep. It's fantastic that he's getting more sleep, but he should start going to bed early.

"That made me think that we should get FRIDAY to lock up his lab around ten." I told Steve.

"Can you do that? Tony made it si no one could hack into it."

"Oh, yes. How do you think Wade keeps coming in here? He's constantky forgetting his pass."

"I'm glad that you're getting used to it here. I was told you were a wreak the first few days."

"I was. But I had a talk with Wade. He told me that if others thought I wasn't worth their time, then I shouldn't waste my time on them."

"But what will you do if she tried to get you back?"

"She isn't my guardian anymore. If she wants me back, she can't. I honestly can't picture myself without Tony. I wouldn't know what to do."

"Tony told me you were attached to each other." Steve said causing me to smile.

"He's helped me so much, and it hurts when peopls say bad things about him. He's been sober ever since I've met him. I can't see why they would think these things, and it hurts."


"Finally, you're up!" I giggled at Tony seeing his bed head.

Clint and Scott bith went home to their families while the rest of us stayed since we are one big family.

Apparently, they werent too big on presents but they did have a secret Santa.

"Tony was hell bent on being your secret Santa." Natasha said looking at me.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to take him." Tony said motioning me to following him, so I did.

"I'm not really sure what you would want, but judging what happened a couple days ago with that sensory overload you seemed to be having, i got you a room for that." Tony informed opening a door.

"It doubles as your own lab if you wish."

It was a padded room, a little bigger than my bedroom, with a few tables, screens and shelves full of chemicals.

"It is soundproof, and the padding is to help with the vibrations so everything isn't too much in here."

"You... you actually want me to stay here?" I asked tuening to face Tony.

"Of course, kid. I would never want you to get hurt. And being honest, I believe you've helped me more than I've helped you."

"I don't think-"

"Peter. I hste when tou do that."

"Do what?"

"When you put yourself down like that. You mean so much to me and I hate it when you can't see that."

"I have people telling me otherwise."

"Then that's it. Peter, I'm sorry, but after break, I'm having a talk with your school. That kid constantly bullies you and no one does anything."

"If so, um... theres rhis one teacher that lets him... do it. But when I try to stand up for myself i get in trouble instead."

"I'm loving that you're opening up to me, but why did you wait?" TOny asked, bending down so we were face to face.

"Because he keeps threantening me. If I said anything it would be worse."

"Peter..." he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm going to have a talk with his mother too."

"No, please don't he already thinks the internship is fake, but uf you go to his house talking about me, he'll keep calling me things."

"What things?" He asked instantly wirh no replies.

"Peter. What. Things?"

"He already called me... like a whore. I dont understand why he attacks me. I never did anything to him." I buried my face on Tony's shoulder.

"Fine. I won't talk to his family, but he's definitely going to get in trouble."

(Le next day: date day)

"Peter, I don't know if I can do this." Michelle said nervously and pacing.

"It'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, you don't have to wesr a dress."

"I wasn't going to wear one anyway."

"It's fine. I was nervous when Wade took me on that date. Now I'm fine. It should be easier after the first date."

"Well, you actually like him and he likes you. What if she doesn't like me?"

"Michelle. There's no rush." I said trying to relax her as I digged through her bag to oick out an outfit.

"And I should probably tell you who it is." I handed her a white t-shirt and a stripped skirt.

"You know how I said she was a real Princess?"

"Yes. I was think that she'll be nice and all that."

"Well, yes. She is nice, but I meant literally."

"... I shouldn't have thought any less."

"And i was assigned to stay with her because they're people trying to get her, so..." I started, digging through my own bag and pulled out my older pair of web shooters.

"I want you to take one of these. Since you sre going to be with her, you need to protect yourself as well." I put one on her wrist.

"Don't you need these though?" She asked adjusting it.

"I have others. Tony keeps modifying them, then I got to modify the ones he modified. I'm going to give Shuri the other one. Get dressed and hype yourself up."

I walked out of my room and headed to Shuri, who was already done and in the living room with Wade, who was napping.

"Hey. Michelle is sure taking her time." Shuri laughed.

"She's just nervous. I had to explain how a date works and that she'll be fine. Then we got onto the subject of her parents... again."

"I'm still not understanding why people would not accept people who sre different."

"It's their religions and beliefs that screw up their families. Some outside influence that tells them what's suppoded to be right or wrong."

"I guess."

"Anyway, I want you to wear this." I took her hand and placed the other web shooter around her wrist.

"Just another way to protect yourself."

"Doesn't Wade need one?" She asked.

"No, he's special. Basically immortal. You have no idea how much he scared me the first time he died."

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