Chapter ⁷

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(Tony's p.o.v.)

"You seem to really care about him, huh?" Steve asked as he sat in front of me.

"Yeah, well, yeah. He's so young and gone through so much. And I can't help but feel like I need to help him. He recently went through some tough stuff with his Aunt and that stupid new boyfriend that she got." I said pulling my hair.

"Could I asked what happened?"

"As short as possible, his Aunt kicked Peter out because he defended me from that boyfriend, lied to her about what happened."

"So you took him in. How did you meet him?"

"Back in Germany. But it's a secret."

"And your relationship. You seem closer than just a child you met."

"The only one who knows is Rhodey. But I have to wait till he gets back from school. He's not a big fan if attention."

"And he doesn't seem to like me all that much judging by the looks he gave me."

"Peter had heard about our fight and didn't like that you could've killed me. We're both just really attached to each other."

"Shit, did I already miss the kid?" Clint asked as Steve yell about his laguange.


(Peter's p.o.v.)

It was the end if a good Tuesday. But not so good when I found out that exams start next week.

It was the being of December and next week were either midterms, or finals, (for the classes that only lasted one semester) and tomorrow we were doing review, leaving the last to two days as local exams. And I wasn't looking forward to the conversation about Wade.

"Where do you think you're going?" Tony asked as I tried to sneak to my room.

"Um... homework?"

"That can wait. Don't we have someone to talk about?"

I tried thinking of an excuse but just let out a huff, pushing Tony down the hall.

I pulled out my phone and opened the text messages from Wade and handed it to Tony.

"He took your phone and took my number from it. He doesn't know who I am, but he's trying to find out. Before you say anything, be doesn't plan on doing anything with that information." I said quickly.

Tony looked at my phone for a little while then handed it back to me.

"And?" He asked.

"Like I said, he's trying to find out who I am so there's a possibility that he'll find me here. So when that happens I'll just tell you 'Code: Unkillable'."

"But what's your relationship with him?"

"I mean, I guess I could say we're good friends but he's been a bit, uh... flirty." I admitted.

"Of course he would be." Tony asked trying not to smile.

I giggled and ran to the living room trying to avoid talking any further.

"Peter! I swear to god if you don't tell me what the hell he-"

"Language!" Steve yelled.

"I am truly sorry, but I feel like there's something else we have to discuss." I said gesturing the everyone else.

"Yeah, like the fact why theres a kid here." Sam had said.

Tony gave me that 'fine-but-you'll-be-telling-me-later' look.

"This is Peter." Tony said spinning me around and placed his hands on to my shoulders.

"I know that I'm not much of a kid person, but offically, on Saturday, Peter is now my son." Tony said actually excited.

"I told you that you should've told Steve." Rhodey said looking at the faces that Steve had made, but none was disgusted or hatred, unlike that Stanely.

"You knew?!" Steve yelled.

"More than that actually." He smirked at me as I slightly shook my head at him.

"I'd like to point out some things. Firstly, he's sixteen, meaning he can not drink." Tony said looking directly at Thor, who looked confused.

"He's not so good on lots of attention and he's sensitive to noises and lights." He finished.

"And Peter?" Tony whispered. "I suggest you tell Bruce sooner or later. You can't really go to a hospital." I nodded, leaving my eyes on Steve, still weary and nervous.

"Oh, he's giving Cap the stink eye." Clint laughed.

"Hey! I don't want the public to hear this until we schedule a press conference." Tony said and pushed me towards the couch, closer to everyone.


"As much as I would love to procrastinate, I've got homework." I pointed and went to retreat to my room.

"Hey, uh, Peter. Can I talk to you?" Steve asked a bit nervously.

"Um... okay?" Steve means well but I'm still angry that Steve seriously injured Tony. He aimed for the thing keeping him alive.

"I know what I've done to Tony and I feel very guilty over it. I've already said my apologies and we made up. So I was thinking that we could get along."

"Depends. What's your relationship? Tony said there was some secret. I want to know."

"Oh. Well, We weren't planning to tell people for awhile. Can you keep a secret?" Steve asked with a small smile.

"Considering I got to keep my own, yes."

"When I got back we had our fight and revealed some things. So, we're kind of, engaged." He said send waited for my response.

"How do you keep something like that a secret?"

"How do you keep being Tony's son a secret?" He asked in reply.

"Touché." I said and walked into my room.

It was nearing six and my curfew was ten. I had to quickly do my homework so I'd have time to go out as Spider-Man.

Wade: i dont mean to bother

Wade: yes I do

Wade: you coming today

Wade: or do you got school stuff

Spidey: I just finished

Spidey: give me a few

Instead of taking the time to refill my shooters, I just replaced them with another pair that I always had for emergencies, but there wont be any for awhile.

Before I even got to take them out of my bag, this tingly feeling was in the back of my head.

I put them back and turned around but not one was there.

"Hello?" I asked. When I herd no answer, I slowed my breath and listened to my surroundings, finding a heartbeat in the ceiling.

"FRIDAY? Can you turn the heat on?" I smirked.


Seconds later came a yelp and a body from the vent.

"Why were you spying on me?" I asked.

"Spying? Me? No. I was just chilling." Clint said.

"In my room?"

"How did you know I was there?"

"I just had a feeling."

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